Desmond Mgboh, Kano

The Kano State Police Command have issued an expressed warning against a planned protest in favour of the Senate President Bukola Saraki in the state.

A audio-disc sent to broadcast media houses in the state by the command’s Public Relations Officer, Superintendent Magaji Musa Majia, warned that the police would arrest any such pro–Saraki supporters or anybody that takes to the streets for the intended protest in the state.

The police command described the planned protest as ‘illegal’, adding that the command was yet to be officially notified by any group, individuals or any security agency about any protest, thereby making the proposed demonstration an illegality.

The tape said, “Kano State Police Command are warning the general public against the planned solidarity protest in support of the Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki.

“The Kano State Police Command did not receive any letter seeking for the permission to engage in any protest….. this protest is therefore illegal “ the tape said.

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“Accordingly, the Command is warning those planning to stage the protest to halt their plan. However, if they fail to halt their plans or to adhere to this warming, the Police would have no option but to arrest and prosecute them” he added.

The statement advised parents and guardians in the state to always counsel their children against being used by the members of the political class.

It could, however, be recalled that a few days ago, a number of anti-Saraki sympathisers staged a protest walk in the state, calling on senators to impeach the Senate President from his position.

They marched up to Kano State Government but were not received by the Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje who was out of town or by any top government officer.

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