Scientific name

    – Latuca sativa L


– Asteraceace

Common name

– Garden lettuce

An annual herbaceous plant up to 40 “in”with short stem bearing brightgreen smooth or curly leaves. The leaves are simple and form a dense head orloose rosette. Lettuce plant is grown mainly for its leaves; however the seedis also a great source of oil.

Part used: leaves

The garden lettuce is very popular in many vegetable dishes. It is commonlyused in salads, sandwiches, and soups. It serves as a crunchy bite, while you waitfor a meal. But lettuce is beneficial beyond the bowl. Documentation and researchcarried out on the plant indicate a wide range of phytochemical components whichattribute to its hypoglycemic, diuretic, analgesic, antiarthritis,ante-microbial, anti inflammatory,  antioxidant, neuroprotective,antidepressant, sedative, and hepatocellular properties. Thanks to itsflavonoids, phenols, terpenoids; vitamins A, C, E, K, B1, B2, and B3.The plantis a rich source of fiber and pectins. It also contains minerals and organicsubstances such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulphur, iron,copper, cobalt, silica, selenium, glycine, cysteine, leucine, lysine, alanine,and histidine.

Loaded with the above listed “goodness,” now let’s see how this crunchygreen vegetable can benefit your health.

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May promote kidney function -Lettuce is agood diuretic because it stimulates the urine elimination, verybeneficial in those cases where it is necessary to stimulate the kidneys toincrease micturition, in health conditions like arterial hypertension, dropsy,edemas, kidney pain, kidney stones, renal inadequacy, inflammation of thebladder (cystitis), obesity etc. Decoction of leaves for 10 minutes is taken ½of a tumbler 3 times a day.

Arthritis -The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of this plant enhanceits medicinal use for arthritis, friction, joint pain and swellingsignificantly. I recently prescribed lettuce juice to a woman down with kneepain, swollen ankles and fat thighs – a handful of properly washed leavesblended with water, ½ a tumbler taken nightly for one week. She barely took itfor four days and she had this to say, “I am shocked at how simple a remedy canbe so effective. I drank the whole mixture, and didn’t bother sieving it.”

Lettuce can also be used externally to calm pains from arthritis,sprains and bruises. Leaves are decocted for 10 minutes and used as a compress.You can also mash the plant and apply as poultice on the aching areas.

May help with weight loss – One major reason lettuce candeal with excess weight is because of its low calories. One serving of lettucecontains as low as 5 calories. Moreover, lettuce is also a diuretic herb, asnoted already. Two thirds of the human body is made up of water, so by helpingyou get rid of excess fluid, diuretics can help you shed some kilos, or justlook smarter fast. I believe that was the case with the woman in our story, Icould see her joy as she flexed with her slimmer thighs and flatter tummy.

Lettuce is rich in fibre too. Fibers keep you full and discourage binging. Adding one large leaf oflettuce to your lunch would surely do you good!

Helps with insomnia – Lettuce has a tranquilizing effect. Ithelps to calm the nerves, to control palpitations and to sleep better atnights, avoiding insomnia. Eat a large bowl of lettuce salad, with ½-1 Tsp. of olive oil before going to sleep and you will stop “counting theceiling”, thanks to its sleep- inducing substance called ‘letucarium.’ Thejuice of lettuce has been likened in effect to the sedative action of opiumwithout the accompanying excitement. A ¼ tumbler is taken preferably 30-60minutes before bedtime. For bad cases of insomnia, you may drink a couple ofglasses a day, one in the mornings and another one at bedtime.

Good for the digestive health – The fiber in lettuce promotesdigestion and wards off other digestive ailments like constipation, bloating and indigestion. It also may relievestomach pain. For better processing of your food intake, incorporate lettuce inyour regime.

Skin conditions – The herb possesses anti microbial attributes that areeffective in treating a range of skin afflictions. The vitamin A inlettuce may promote skin cell turnover. The vitamin C it contains may delay thesigns of aging. The fiber in lettuce may detox your system and promote skinhealth. Washing your face with lettuce extract or juice in the morning mayimprove your skin health. The analgesic properties of lettuce can be used tomitigate the pain of the sunburns. Boil lettuce leaves in water for 10minutes under medium flame. Cool and apply the liquid with gauze on theaffected area.

Cough and respiratory issues -Lettuce is a powerful remedyfor treating respiratory diseases. The leaves are decocted for 15 minutes and ½of a tumbler up taken two times daily for seven days to combat cold,asthma attacks and bronchial spasms. Repeat dosage after two weeks. Forchronic cough you may make lettuce syrup by boiling and combining lettuceextract with unadulterated honey. Take the syrup warm 2 x daily.

Please Note              

It is important to wash thevegetable thoroughly before consumption to remove any potential contaminants.You may have to soak in vinegar. Lettuce is a delicate vegetable, and properstorage is crucial for maintaining its freshness. While we have discussed themany benefits it offers to your health, “lettuce contains vitamin K, whichplays a role in blood clotting.  Those who are taking blood thinners needto be careful about the amount of vitamin K they are consuming.”

If you are on blood-thinningmedication, talk to your physician before consuming lettuce as an alternativetherapy.