It takes a special kind of drive and conviction to start with nothing, defy the odds, and become a self-made millionaire. It is the dream of many but the reality of few. At the age of 26, Kinan Salameh is already a surefire success by anyone’s standards, and the relentless hunger and almost manic motivation that spurred him on to create an enviable business empire show no sign of relenting anytime soon.
“The mistake many people make when setting up in business is treating it like a job, it’s not, it’s a lifestyle,” explained Kinan Salameh. “If you’re not passionate about it and ready to live it around the clock then you’re going to fail. When it comes to my business, it’s something I eat, breathe, and sleep. I’m always switched on 24-7, not just because I need to be, but because establishing my brand and making money is what gives me a real buzz.”
Kinan Salameh’s business revolves around organizing events, real estate, online marketing, and promi- consulting. His innovative start-up Scan2Get boasts a large sales team of 400 people and all together, Kinan helms a total of six different companies.
Kinan Salameh revealed, “Sales and marketing are my true forte but variety is the spice of life and I like to keep things interesting otherwise I soon get bored. Every day is a new adventure and as the deals get bigger, the teams grow larger, and my partners earn more money, I can feel my confidence growing to almost superhuman levels. I say this not to be boastful, but because I firmly believe success generates success and momentum builds momentum, and that’s something I want to share with as many people as possible. That’s why I now spend a large part of my time coaching teams and helping the individuals within them develop and fulfill their true potential.”
As someone self-employed since he was 17, Kinan Salameh knows no other life than to be the master of his destiny and architect of his own fortune. Yet when asked what advice he would give to any budding entrepreneurs, his magical formula is pretty simple.
“Just go for it,” he explained. “The secret is that there’s no secret, other than throwing caution to the wind and making your play. Don’t dream it, don’t visualize it, don’t overthink it, and don’t debate it, just go for it and take the bull by the horns.”

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