Does your makeup fade as you perspire mid-day? If so, you’re likely dealing with the negative effects of excess sweating. No thanks to Nigeria’s weather that can be unbearably hot. This condition adversely affects everybody including our lifestyle. For females who always want their make-up to be on fleck, the weather condition is simply challenging. Saturday Sun spoke to Nora Onwuachumba of Nora Sleek Touch, and she threw light on making up in extremely hot weather.

As a makeup artist,what are the tips for keeping your makeup in place?
Excess sweating can be embarrassing. If you’re finding yourself a little overheated.
Make sure you feel cool before applying makeup. It is better to wait for at least 10 minutes for your body to cool down before applying makeup because warmth makes the skin absorb the ingredients more readily. But if you are in a rush, splash your face with cold water a few times before starting your makeup routine. Use a primer and avoid heavy foundations.

What is the best room temperature for make up?
Complaints about hot, stuffy rooms are a common feature everywhere in Nigeria. The air temperature in the room has a strong effect on working performance. Although there is some disagreement on the temperature for optimal productivity, most studies have found that it is between 21°C and 23°C. Generally, there is agreement that productivity starts to diminish when the room temperatures rise above this.

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What are the rules or techniques of applying make up in a humid temperature for instance?
Hot, humid weather makes looking nice a difficult task. Your makeup just won’t stay where it is supposed to. Heat and humidity cause makeup to smear or seemingly melt off your face. In the heat, eyeshadow looks creased, and eyeliner smudges under your bottom eyelids. However, you can avoid this mess by applying a primer; using light, waterproof makeup and avoiding products that contain oil.

What about cold room temperature?
Room temperature could affect if it’s in a high temperature. But what can affect more is the expiration of makeup. Replace makeup to avoid bacteria accumulation or makeup to get expired.
What are the essential things a person with sweaty face must have in her makeup bag?
Sweat has this strange power to make a lady feel instantly less polished. But put-together. it can be embarrassing to be so sweaty all of the time, even though it’s totally natural and normal. But do not fear, sweaty people ! First and foremost, “use a face primer that will not only keep your makeup intact but create a barrier for anything to come out or in.” Create the perfect canvas with a good primer. Also, be sure to choose powdered products over liquids and creams. Powder formulas help to absorb wetness on the skin, while liquids and creams will emphasize that wet look.
You sweat, but want to look good for the next appointment. How do you apply make-up while sweating?
There’s nothing worse than feeling like your makeup is melting down your face.
These five tips will help you apply makeup perfectly, even when you’re sweating.
Blot your Face Before you start applying: Blotting papers can be perfect for soaking up oil on-the-go, but they’re also a great way to prep your face before you start putting on makeup. They’ll soak oil or sweat and make sure you have a clean surface to apply makeup to.

Is the same technique applied in applying makeup on oily and dry faces?
It is basically the same method but there are components to have at the back of your mind when getting a product. Try and find out your skin type (either oily or dry) before purchasing any makeup product.
For those prone to oily skin, the makeup application process revolves around combatting excess oil. During the actual application, this battle is fought with oil-free, moisturizers, foundations, and finishing powders. Throughout the day, you must fend off unwanted shine with blotting paper and pressed powder.Then for dry skin, flaky skin can be a serious pain, and wearing foundation can only make it worse.