In 1970, one day, the rumour mill was strong that a girl in our secondary school was impregnated by my fellow tutor, and that they had gone to Enugu to remove it. It was reputed that when the girl’s dad, a very rich man, but an illiterate, heard it, he told her, “You are no more my son”. And he meant it. His ‘beautiful’ English tickled people more than the moral laxity exhibited by the girl. A few years ago, a dad published a photograph of his son in the newspaper, telling him and the reading public, that he was no longer his father. One could imagine the agony in his heart!   

It’s truly distressing when a father feels compelled to cut ties with his child. Such a decision is wrought with pain and likely follows countless sleepless nights spent in discussion with the child before reaching such a heartbreaking conclusion. In that moment, the father understands that there’s nothing more he can do to influence his child’s life. “God gave them up,” we’re reminded in Romans 1:26. May He never have to make such a decision for you or me!

Merely wishing for such a fate to be avoided isn’t enough; we must understand why such actions are taken. Romans 1:8 tells us, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.” It would be a different scenario if they were unaware of the truth, but they knew it and chose to disregard it. Consequently, God had no choice but to relinquish them, leading to their engagement in absurd behaviours. Today, the enduring presence of homosexuality stands as a consequence. Most parents would be devastated if they knew the hidden activities their ‘good’ children engage in.

Not long ago, I stumbled upon unsettling discoveries about a certain young girl engaging in late-night chats focused on sexual topics. I was deeply disturbed, especially considering her age and academic standing. It became clear to me that one doesn’t need to be older or more educated to be deeply involved in immoral activities. A housemaid may be privy to secrets unknown to her employers, just as a student may know things their teachers are unaware of.

Not long after, it was alleged that she had spent all the evil money she made, but the spectacle of her deed is still living with her. Is it not abhorrent that a man, dedicated to God at birth in the church, and who is celebrated now by his parents, family members, friends, and colleagues, because of his academic or financial attainment, will spend his money and time to watch unpleasant videos?

For committing this evil, “God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things, which are not convenient,” says Rom. 1:28. There is nothing men cannot do. This is why a man can sleep with his daughter, the baby he was cuddling in his hands a few years ago! This is why he can resist his housemaid’s accusation of sleeping with her and he still eats food, dresses, and goes to work or to his business, where people will ‘sir’ him! This is why a mum, well respected in society, can sleep with her son, Junior of yesterday, whose birth gladdened her heart! Imagine!   

God meticulously lists the various evil deeds committed by some individuals, including fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, backbiting, murder, deceit, malignity, envy, hatred of God, spitefulness, pride, boasting, invention of evil things, disobedience to parents, and more. It deeply grieves Him that these acts are perpetrated by people who are fully aware of God’s judgment, knowing that those who engage in such deeds are deserving of death, yet they not only continue in their actions but also take pleasure in associating with others who do the same. Three significant points emerge from this: the wilful commission of evil acts despite the knowledge of God’s awareness, the awareness of impending judgment, and the companionship with those who are carefree in their wrongdoing.

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What pains God the most is when His creation distorts the truth of God into falsehood. Idol worshippers are labelled as liars because they portray God as having a physical form, despite Him being Spirit. They worship and serve created beings rather than the Creator. These individuals will face spiritual judgment, which is even more severe than natural consequences. Just as a patient’s refusal to adhere to a doctor’s prescription can exacerbate illness, the refusal to acknowledge and adhere to God’s truth leads to spiritual deterioration. It’s not the doctor’s fault, but rather the patient who, as an adult, has made a conscious choice.

The consequence of God giving up on someone is profound: the individual is left entirely on their own. Similarly, when a father disowns his son, it signifies a complete severance of ties. If the son were to need financial assistance or face a problem, the father would not offer help. However, when God rejects someone, the situation is even direr. While a person rejected by their earthly father may find support from others, there is no substitute for God’s presence in their life.

This truth is starkly illustrated in the story of King Saul and David. When Saul rejected God’s word, God, in turn, rejected him as king of Israel. From that moment, Saul was abandoned by God. Despite Saul’s efforts to eliminate David, God protected him and ultimately chose David to succeed Saul. Although David had opportunities to kill Saul, he spared him. In contrast, Saul’s desperation led him to consult a witch, and he met a tragic end soon after.

When God gives up on someone, He withholds provision, protection, and answers to prayers. Even if the individual continues to pray, it is futile. How can one live without the guidance and support of prayer? True wisdom entails considering the consequences of decisions before making them, while foolishness leads to regrettable outcomes.

For further comment, Please contact: Osondu Anyalechi: 

0909 041 9057; [email protected]