Paul Orude, Bauchi

The police in Bauchi State have confirmed three persons killed and 18 injured following a violent crisis that erupted in Lushi area of Bauchi metropolis on Sunday night. The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Kamal Datti Abubakar, who made the disclosure, said that 75 suspects have been arrested in connection with the crisis.

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Abubakar stated that the problem started following a misunderstanding at a birthday party in Kusu area of Sakani, which later escalated to other parts of the area. The cause of the crisis had not being ascertained at the time of filing this report but a source hinted that two men were fighting over a woman at the birthday party.

Abubakar also disclosed that two houses were set ablaze. A resident told our correspondent that some youths in Lushi threw stones at each other and, subsequently, started burning houses.

The house of a retired superintendent of police was also affected. Daily Sun learnt that one of those killed was a civil servant at the Federal Secretariat, Bauchi, who was said to have moved his entire family to a safe location following the tension that enveloped the area.

He was said to have returned to his house when irate youths killed him and set his house ablaze. The identity of the deceased is yet to be known at the time of filing this report.

Residents of Yelwa Kagadama Lushi, Kusu and High Tension said they heard gunshots from 11pm till the wee hours of yesterday while many fled their houses. But the police spokesman could not confirm if guns were fired.

Residents of the area said that policemen stormed the area, broke into houses and made arbitrary arrests.

Abubakar told newsmen that 75 persons were arrested in connection with the crisis, and to forestall further break down of law and order. He said the situation had been brought under control and that investigation was ongoing to get to the root of the crisis. He assured that those involved would be brought to book.

Bauchi has experienced some of the worst ethnic, religious and political motivated crises, which had claimed several lives and property worth billions of naira.

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