Irate youths on Friday set ablaze the Osun Police Area Command Office in Iwo in protest against the alleged killing of a resident by policemen suspected to be members of the disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad.

An eyewitness said the victim, Nafiu Ayodele, who was a student of Osun Polytechnic, Iree, was allegedly hit by a stray-bullet on Thursday at Oluponna, Iwo.

The eyewitness, who pleaded for anonymity, said the angry youths from Ile-Ogbo stormed the command on Friday morning, dislodged the policemen from their offices and set the premises on fire.

According to the eyewitness, who lives close to the scene, the youths arrived at the Area Commander’s Office around 7 a.m. and engaged the police officers in a gun battle.

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“The youth dislodged the police officers, pulled down the fence of the station and set the offices ablaze.

“The irate youths brought out generators and other office equipment from the building and set them ablaze before finally setting the premises ablaze, ” he said.

According to the eyewitness, the policemen were able to escape with the aid of their Armoured Personnel Carrier which came to the scene.

The Police Commissioner in the state, Mr Fimihan Adeoye, confirmed the incident, adding that the command was on top of the situation.

Adeoye said he had directed the appropriate team to commence investigation into the incident.

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