Rose Ejembi, Makurdi

A group, the Benue Youth Alliance For Ortom (BYAFO) 2019, has condemned what they described as the ‘rascality’ exhibited by security agencies that supposedly backed eight lawmakers in an attempted impeachment move against Governor Samuel Ortom.

In a statement signed by National Coordinator of the group, Iorliam Shija and made available to Daily Sun, on Tuesday, in Makurdi, the group expressed pain by what they tagged the inglorious role played by Sen. George AKume, the Nigeria Police, Department of State Security (DSS) and the suspended Speaker, Terkimbi Ikyange.

The group said , “We recall with sadness the Tiv political crisis of the 1960s- Nande Nande and Atemtyo and warn the political class not to take us back to those old days that our people were killed due to political uprising.

“We particularly, call on Senator Akume, a political leader and one of the ring leaders in the political imbroglio in the state not to take us back to those days.

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“More than usual bloodshed has flown in the state due to killings by Fulani herdsmen and we cannot afford any more due to political violence.

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“All we expect from the people of good will; the political class alike is to stand with Ortom in the implementation of the Anti-Open Grazing Law, a necessary implement to end killings by armed herdsmen in the state and Nigeria at large than stoking embers of political violence.

“As young people, we are disappointed in Ikyange for allowing himself to be used by self-seeking politicians to destroy his political career that presumably has not even started.”

Shija, while describing Benue youth as pacesetters, resilient, focused and truthful, noted that “As young people, that has always been our expectation from Ikyange, to exemplify the true spirit of the Benue youth. Instead, he has brought shame on the youth.”

The group also called on the Commissioner of Police in the state, Besan Gwana, to carry out his duties in the state as a good cop saying “we are keenly watching him.”

The group further reiterated its stand with Governor Samuel Ortom and assured him of its continuous support.


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