From From Magnus Eze, Enugu

Worker under the Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU) at the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital Enugu, have uncovered plot by some disgruntled members of staff allegedly working with interests from outside to destabilise the health institution.

JOHESU said the peaceful atmosphere enjoyed in the hospital for three years, since the coming of the current Medical Director, Dr. Monday Igwe, was being threatened by a clique in the facility.

Addressing newsmen after a general meeting and prayer session of the labour unions, yesterday, to ask God for continued peace and cordiality in the hospital, Chairman of JOHESU, Friday Oduburu urged workers not to allow themselves to be used again in causing crisis in the place by trouble makers.

They wondered what those inclined to stoking crisis in the hospital stood to gain, noting that tremendous progress had been made under the present medical director.

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“Prior to his assumption of office in April 2019, the poor state of affairs in the hospital was a well-known fact to all the staff of the hospital as unnecessary crises negatively affected our progress. It is a statement of fact that years ago, we suffered crises which set the only Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital in the South East backward, but God answered our prayers by enthroning the current peace-loving administration in the hospital. 

“Today, there is peace and a good working relationship between the management and the entire staff. Service delivery to our patients, which is our main reason for being here, has improved tremendously and this can be confirmed by the current influx of patients to the hospital.

“Also, staff welfare has been taken as a priority by the present administration, no salary arrears, no promotion arrears and staff training has become a regular occurrence to enhance productivity.

“It is on this premise that the entire staff of the hospital under the umbrella of Joint Health Sector Union, JOHESU, hereby call on the President, Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, the Federal Ministry of Health and the general public to disregard the negative propaganda being sponsored by some unknown persons to discredit the present administration in the hospital,” JOHESU stated. 

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