Molly Kilete, Abuja

The Police Force Headquarters, in Abuja, said it had commenced investigation to arrest the suspects responsible for the brutal killing of seven policemen in Galadimawa area of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The Force’s spokesman, Jimoh Moshood, made this known at a media briefing, where he said that the force would not leave any stone unturned to bring the perpetrators of the evil act to book.

He said, “The killing of the policemen goes a long way to prove that the call for the disbandment of the SARS is not justified”.

Seven policemen on security patrol duty were reportedly  killed by armed bandits at Galadimawa in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The policemen, comprising four personnel of the police Mobile Force and three conventional policemen, also had their weapons carted way by the armed men.

The incident happened, on Monday night, at Galadimawa village, a satellite town in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Daily Sun gathered that the policemen who were on a stop-and-search duty in the area, were attacked by the gunmen said to be numbering over 20.

Traders, passersby and motorists who were around the spot when the incident happened, reportedly took to their heels as they scampered for safety, while several others  sustained various degrees of injuries.

Police sources, who did not want to be named, told Daily Sun that the news about the death of the policemen got to the FCT Police Command late Monday night, which immediately dispatched a rescue team to the area.

He, however, said that “Sadly when our men got there they found the bodies of the seven policemen on the ground.

“The gunmen, after killing them, also made away with their weapons”. The source said.

Daily Sun also gathered the police were suspecting that that the bandits might have come in from outside the FCT to carry out the dastardly act.

The bodies of the deceased policemen was said have been deposited at one of the hospital mortuaries in Abuja, while the police authorities were making efforts to reach the families of the deceased to break the sad news.



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