From Charity Nwakaudu, Abuja

Minister of Water resources and sanitation, Professor rof Terlumun Utsev says the nation has witnessed significant s strides towards achieving Open Defecation Free (ODF) targets and improving overall sanitation standards.

The Minister made this known while unveiling the WASH system for health programme to mark it 25 years anniversary in Abuja.

Prof Utsev added that the ministry will continue to prioritize the expansion of equitable and irrepressible WASH services, with a particular focus on underserved communities.

“Over the past decade, our country has witnessed a remarkable transformation in the water, sanitation, and hygiene, WASH, sector, Through the unwavering efforts of my Ministry, in collaboration with dedicated organizations and community champions” Professor Utsev stressed.

“We have made significant strides towards achieving our Open Defecation Free (ODF) targets and improving overall sanitation standards” he added.

“In the years ahead, we will continue to prioritize the expansion of equitable and irrepressible WASH services, with a particular focus on underserved communities. By clouting innovative technologies, reinforcing cross-sectoral partnerships, and fostering a culture of accountability and transparency” he noted

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“We will work tirelessly to ensure that every household, school, and health facility in our nation has access to safe, reliable, and sustainable WASH infrastructure. Together, with the support of our International Partners and the unwavering determination of our people” The Minister added.

Earlier, the Country Director of Water, Sanitation and hygiene, WASH, Joy Aderele stressed while unveiling a four year strategic plan stressed that the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office will be funding the project with five million euros for the period.

Aderele explained that strategic plan for sustainable livelihoods and healthy lives for all in a changing climate is aimed at alleviating hunger, poverty, social equality that promotes food availability, sustainable landscapes and climate adaptation.

She stressed that the plan includes promotion of sustainable food systems by conserving agriculture and diversifying production, focusing on building resilient ecosystems and landscapes through ever greening practices and addressing food insecurity, health services gaps and WASH challenges through climate adaptation.

In his presentation the Country Director of WASH systems for Health programme, Mr. John Wali called for the support of Stakeholders towards realizing the objectives of the programme.