Molly Kilete, Abuja

The Nigerian Air Force(NAF), has alerted the public over the activities of some criminals who are extorting money from unsuspecting Nigerians for recruitment into the NAF. 

NAF Director of Public Relations and Information Air Commodore Ibikunle Daramola, who made this known said the NAF is not conducting any recruitment exercise at the moment. He further stated that recruitment into the NAF is ‘FREE OF CHARGE’ and without any form of gratification.

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Daramola’s statement reads;

“The attention of the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has been drawn to the activities of some unscrupulous individuals who are fraudulently extorting money from unsuspecting Nigerians under the guise of recruiting them into the NAF. These fraudsters deceive prospective applicants to pay certain amounts of money into bank accounts with the false assurance that they would be guaranteed recruitment into the NAF. It is disheartening to note that some people have been swindled by these unscrupulous individuals despite repeated warnings and spirited efforts by the NAF, over the years, to enlighten the public about the nefarious activities of such fraudsters.

“In view of this, it has become necessary to state firstly that the NAF is not currently conducting any recruitment exercise. Whenever such an exercise is imminent, members of the public would be duly informed through the NAF official website,, as well as on our official social media handles. The public is also once more reminded that the recruitment and selection process into the NAF is ‘FREE OF CHARGE’ and without any form of gratification. Furthermore, the NAF recruitment process is devoid of recruitment agents, hence anyone who claims to be operating in such capacity on behalf of the NAF is a fraudster. The NAF wishes to advise prospective applicants to promptly report anyone who solicits for payments for recruitment into the Service to the nearest NAF Unit or Nigeria Police Post”.

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