By Sylvanus Viashima, Jalingo

The Vice Chancellor of Taraba State University, Professor Sunday Bako on Friday said the institution is conducting biometric verification for staff to check ghost workers.

The State Governor Agbu Kefas recently alleged that there were ghost workers in the university, and declared that he would not pay them.

Bako while interacting with journalists said the institution’s management has taken the issue of staff verification as a mandate to ensure accurate identification of staff in the university, both academic and non-academic.

He disclosed that the decision was to have a database of staff to improve the screening system of the university.

According to him, the system is capturing both biometrics and the national identification number (NIN), of all staff to be able to give accurate data of staff and move away from the normal screening of file presentation.

“We want to move away from the normal screening of file presentation. We are carrying out biometrics, linking it with the staff national identification number (NIN) to have accurate data on staff in Taraba State University

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“We want to have a database of staff and improve on the screening system of the university which we believe would end the issues of ghost workers in the institution” Prof. Bako disclosed.

The vice Chancellor also informed that both the university management, the Taraba government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Taraba State University have reached an understanding to ensure a stable academic calendar.

“Thank God, ASUU is not going on strike anytime soon. We have done everything possible to ensure a stable academic calendar in the university, and thank God ASUU understands us and has shelved the planned strike.

“At the tripartite meeting between the management, ASUU and the government representative, we were able to tell them what is possible and what is not possible.

“The ones that were possible, we did them immediately and the government gave them assurance and they have seen the commitment of the government to addressing all their issues.

“On the issue of fencing which is part of their demands, we also informed them that we have gotten some support outside the state to help address the matter. I believe both the national body of the union is convinced that both the management of the university and the Taraba State government are committed to addressing ASUU  demands in the university.

“I wish to sincerely commend Governor Agbu Kefas for the support toward ensuring accreditation of courses in the university, and the attention given to the institution to ensure academic standard,” the Vice Chancellor expressed.

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