From Aidoghie Paulinus, Abuja

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) have been urged to stand firm in their position against the same faith ticket in the 2023 presidential election.

The call on the Christian leaders and clerics was made by the Nigerian Faith-Based Community Organisation (NFBCO) in the United States.

Speaking from New Jersey on behalf of the Nigerian Faith-Based Community Organisation, the President of the NFBCO, Bishop Samuel Ayeni, noted that Nigeria is a country where religious pluralism is practised.

Ayeni explained that any individual or group that is unwilling to support religious inclusion in Nigeria should actually be rejected collectively by all religions in the country.

The New Jersey-based famous preacher who is also a Christ Apostolic Church pastor pointed out that CAN and PFN have rightly led the line by rejecting the same faith ticket in 2023.

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According to Ayeni, “Nigerians need to go a step further by ensuring that they go to the polls and stand firm against the same faith ticket.”

Ayeni also said: “Any same-faith ticket is a vote against fairness, justice, and equity. It should be rejected by all and sundry in the interest of national unity.”

He further said “it will only succeed in further polarising the already fractured nation along ethnic and religious lines,” adding that “the adoption of the same religion ticket is a lost opportunity to unite the nation, not a gain in any way.”

“CAN and PFN have played their part by taking a stand against same faith ticket, it is down to the citizens to ensure that equity, fairness, and justice are maintained,” Ayeni stated.

Ayeni also said the 2023 election is a battle for the soul and future of Nigeria, stressing that, Nigeria needs a ticket that will unite the country and not divide it.

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