From Felix Ikem, Nsukka

The Nsukka Youths Association (NYA) in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State has prayed for God’s intervention over incessant deaths among youths in the area.

NYA is an umbrella body of youth groups from the nine autonomous communities that made up Nsukka Town.

Speaking during a prayer session organised by NTYA on Sunday at Nsukka Town Hall, Rev. Fr. Paul Obayi, the Spiritual Director of Okunerere Adoration Ministry, Nsukka said that most calamities and untimely deaths that have befallen youths were a result of what they committed, abandoning God their creator and living a careless life.

He said that most youths are more interested in making quick money and other earthly things rather than surrendering their entire life to God who had the power to protect them.

“The only way for one to be safe from untimely death is to surrender his or her life to God because he is the only one that gives and takes life.

“Today, many youths have submitted themselves to demonic alters for protection and wealth without knowing that those power are temporal with grave consequences.

“As a youth, you have to be prayerful because the world is full of evil and good things, it is more profitable to follow and obey God’s commandments than to depend your life on charms and other diabolic objects,” he said.

The Catholic priest who is known for delivering people with demonic attacks, destroying evil altars and shrines also preached love and unity among the youths, said, “Your stars are different from each other, you must be contented with what you have and avoid envying each other, everyone has his or her star and time of glory, so I implore you to love one another just the way you love yourself.”

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He commended the leadership of NYA for seeking the face of God to put an end to untimely deaths among youths in the area, assuring them that God will intervene and arrest the situation.

Also, Evang. Onyekachi Omeke of Shepherd Ministry, Enugu, while admonishing the youths on the need to maintain their obedience to the teachings and words of God, identified sin, wrong association, carelessness, course and covenants as some of the factors responsible for untimely death.

He regretted that many youths have been influenced by the ‘get rich quick mentality’ which he said has driven many of them into ritual killings, cultism, hard drug intake and trafficking, and other social vices.

“Sadly, youths of nowadays are doing unthinkable things to get rich quick, nobody wants to start from the bottom and get to the top, everybody wants to get rich overnight without working for it.

“You have to be watchful about those you call your friends because some of them are on a demonic mission to destroy, waste your life, or lure you into all sorts of abominable and devilish things to get rich quick.

“Again, as a youth, you must obey and be guided by the norms and values of you your family, and your community, and have it in your mind that every evil, every wrongdoing has negative consequences of which some of them are the reason for the untimely death,” he said.

Earlier in a remake, Comrade Onyekachi Omeje, the president of NYA said that the leadership of the association decided to convene the prayer session to seek God’s intervention, answer, and solution to the incessant death of youths from the communities.

“This prayer session is to seek God’s intervention, ask for forgiveness so that God who is the Alpha and Omega will put to an end untimely deaths among Nsukka youths,” he said.

Omeje noted that no fewer than four youths from the area have died untimely in a strange manner since the beginning of this year.

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