From Geoffrey Anyanwu, Enugu

Resident Doctors at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu State, have embarked on a one-week warning strike over poor facilities in the hospital and their welfare.

The doctors under the auspices of the Association of Resident Doctors (ARD) UNTH, alleged at the commencement of the industrial action on Wednesday that the Hospital management has failed to provide basic facilities in the federal government-owned health institution.

In a communiqué issued at the end of an Emergency General Meeting (EGM) of the association where the decision for the warning strike was taken, ARD noted that it had given several ultimatums to the management in the past without any positive action from it.

The communiqué signed by Dr Chinazom Ekwueme and Dr Santos Ezeh, President and Secretary of ARD, UNTH, respectively reads in part, “There has been growing agitation of our members on the Government Integrated Financial Management System (GIFMIS) Platform (locum doctors). At that EGM, our demands for payment of January salary, hazard allowance arrears and migration to IPPIS for these our members were made and the initial ultimatum for strike action was pegged at 21st of February, 2023.

“The Congress noted that amidst the non-resolution of our demands, the working environment has become poor.”

Other issues according to them include, “Non-functional Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with certain departments unable to do procedures because of this. Hence, affecting the quality of patient care and our residency training.

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“Inconsistent and epileptic supply of call food with no call food for several weeks in the past four months with no plan for sustainable supply of call food such that our members can do 24 hours call and even above on an empty stomach

“Leaking and dilapidated call rooms such that some residents on call sleep in their cars while on call.

“Staff burnout with some residents being on call every other day despite the above conditions.

“Epileptic power and water supply with several blackouts in the past months. This also impacts our ability as doctors to provide quality healthcare and also affects the patients who need these amenities.

“The Congress observed with dismay the casualization of our members who have been on locum status for over two years which has denied them of several benefits.

“The Congress noted that these our members are yet to be migrated to the IPPIS platform. They have not received January salary, nine and half months hazard allowance arrears as well as Medical Residency Training Fund (MRTF) despite being in residents who also partake fully in update courses and examinations.”

ARD which demanded the resolution of the issues raised however, said that its members would “proceed on a one-week warning strike commencing from 8.00 am, Wednesday, 3rd May 2023 with only provision of skeletal services at the Accident and Emergency unit of the hospital. To reconvene by 8.00 am, Wednesday, 10th May 2023 with an EGM where a review of progress made as regards our demands will be done and resolved for fresh action taken.”

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