Happy New Year, my beloved readers. I wish you all the best of everything you desire, all you need to make this year memorable for you and your family, in Jesus name, Amen.

For me, 2019 was good. I say that with all confidence because, as I look back to all that happened in this country and around the world, I could see that it was the grace of God that kept me going.

This year, we all need even greater grace to survive in an atmosphere of economic disequilibrium. So, folks, tighten your seatbelts as we embark on the journey to our dreamland. You need more than sense knowledge to succeed in 2020. The five senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell are what undergird our educational system. Human wisdom is based on sense knowledge. But there’s a sixth sense you require to do exploits. This sense is faith in God and yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, you cannot possibly believe in the God you cannot see.

Faith enables you to access divine wisdom, which is superior to human wisdom that comes from educational knowledge and experience. The five senses are informed by education and experiential knowledge. You know by experience that if you touch a live electric wire, you’d be electrocuted; if you touch naked fire it would burn you. Your five senses are trained by education and experience to know all that.

The sixth sense, which is faith, tells you that, if you believe, you can achieve what looks like an impossible goal to your normal five senses. Faith operates in the realm of the supernatural. It makes you  believe that, with God, nothing shall be impossible for you to achieve. Faith instructs you to commit all your ways to the Lord Jesus Christ; faith says, you believe and it is done.

Our senses say, seeing is believing; faith says, believe even when you can’t see. It gives you evidence of things hoped for. Everyone who hopes to succeed this year should believe what they hope for. That’s the sixth sense in operation and. Unless you believe your vision, you cannot achieve it. It is as simple as that.

All the great inventors believed in their mission to create life-changing products and services before they went on to achieve their goals. You must identify your goals this year and have enough faith to achieve them, otherwise, you won’t achieve anything and 2020 would just pass by with little or nothing to show for it.

Never get discouraged. There are different levels of faith. In order for you to get certain things, you need to rise to a greater level of faith. Little faith cannot take you far. Little faith does not go beyond the level of sense knowledge. Little faith produces little result or mediocre achievement, and that is not what can stand you out. If you want to be outstanding in what you do, you must rise above sense knowledge and defy all odds. Only the sixth sense gets you soaring high like an eagle, which is known to brave storms.

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What your senses tell you is not always true. What faith tells you cannot be apprehended by your mind, which is governed by your senses. But once a thought gets into your subconscious, faith takes over and you begin to look like a superhero who can perform extraordinary feats. So, in 2020, live the faith lifestyle. Great feats hardly make sense. Tell me how could it have sounded to men 100 years ago that you could watch the same breaking news live on global television from your living room anywhere in the world? Two hundred years ago, the aircraft was in the realm of science fiction. Today, these things are a reality. Faith brought to life, what sense knowledge said was a product of imagination. We know that imagination is stronger than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, according to dispensation; faith has no limits.

You must be able to think deeper and believe the impossible to succeed in 2020. The world is changing faster than ever. I first heard the term ‘sixth sense’ in a teaching on faith by popular American televangelist, Bill Winston, and I began to meditate on it. I then decided to build this article around faith for your edification. Let us do it, friends, 2020 is your year. Just believe it. Even if 2019 did not favour you, this year would be different, if you do things differently.

One thing I must tell you is this: you must change course. If you don’t change, you will never experience the change you really need to change your circumstances. Way back, from the last few months of 2019, I decided I must increase my faith level to achieve mighty things in 2020.

Success is the outcome of the good decisions you have made over time. I felt I should be on a certain level of economic prosperity than I was last year. So, I took the decision to ignore sense knowledge limitation and operate at the level of greater faith. Believe me, friends, I am seeing positive results already.

I believe you have seen what faith can do for you. Come on now, arise and shine in 2020.

Weekend Spice: Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge where there’s no river – Khur Secho

Ok folks, let’s do it again next Friday. Stay motivated all the year round.

Ayodeji is an author, rights activist, pastor and life coach. He can be reached on [email protected] and 09059243004 (SMS only)

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