Bamigbola Gbolagunte, Akure

An eight-year-old boy, identified as Khalid, was on Saturday evening crushed to death by a truck in Owena town, Idanre Local Government Area of Ondo State.

The boy who was said to be hawking pap when the driver of the truck lost control and rammed into the pedestrian way where the boy was moving.

An eye witness informed that the incident occurred as a result of brake failure, adding that the driver of the truck struggled to control the vehicle but to no avail.

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The eyewitness explained that the truck was moving at a fast speed, but by the time the driver tried to apply the brake, he noticed that the brake was no longer working and hit the boy.

It took the intervention of some travellers and sympathisers to remove the body of the young boy from under the truck.

Angry youths from the town who had mobilised themselves were prevented by men of the Nigeria Police and Army from lynching the driver and setting the vehicle on fire.

Men of the State Police Command from Idanre, however, took the corpse of the young boy to the mortuary while the driver was also arrested.

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