“God is too much my brother Nathan. I lost my younger sister since 1990 on her way to buy me something from the market; there was no way to trace her. We thought she was dead and did her burial after 16 years when we heard that she was dead. We had all forgotten her and continued with life but when I heard of your oil, I never believed it, but my wife persuaded me to order the oil after seeing the picture of my only sister in my house that was declared missing. I told her the whole story and my wife started searching for her. After ordering your oil and offering the prayer as instructed, a week after, my younger sister surfaced and told us her story. Among other stories she told was that she was in bondage for over 20 years in the hands of a man who hypnotized her in the name of love but last week her eyes were opened and she realized herself and questioned where she has been for over 20 years now. Her explanation made me realize the efficacy of your oil. Today the young girl who had four children for the man has come back and discussion is going on as we are yet to see her so-called husband…Thanks a lot and may God be with you Professor…”
– Mr & Mrs. Jerry A., [email protected]

“The Reformer, I am very much short of words. I strictly adhered to the instructions you gave me on the use of the anointed oil I bought from you. I went to my village and consequently anointed our village house. Many things happened; but the most amazing one was the death of my evil uncle who has done much harm to us. As I am texting you now, his body has been deposited in the mortuary. If I were not a man of God, he would have killed me for long. When I anointed the house at night and prayed, two weeks thereafter, he went into coma, two days after, he died. Though I am not happy that he is dead but may God be praised.”
– Rev. Fr. Prof. (Name and cell phone number withheld).

This part is repeated due to several demands from my readers. The Bible say, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge….Hos 4:6 .O ye great men of churches who are conscious of earthly and ecclesiastical titles be informed that upholding your bogus tradition bereft of profound wisdom together with your denominational errors in this connection will help to consolidate this numerological attack. God is God of numbers as we all know.

Now if you are not solely rooted in Christ (or even if you are rooted always listen to the holy spirit within you in this regard) don’t establish any business or borrow money to support your business on any of the below dates however, the dates are 48 in number but you are provided here with a few, hence “a word is enough for the wise”. Many may disagree with me here due to religious creed but be informed that truth is truth no matter when you hear it.

They are: January= 1, 2, 11, 17, February=8, 16 and 17. March 1,3,12 etc, April= 1,3,5, etc, May=8,10 etc, June=7 etc, July 7 etc, August=3,18,20 etc, September=2,15,18 etc, October=15 etc, November=11 etc, December=7 etc. I warned as I have always warned: if you are not strong in the Lord never, and never you establish any business contact on the aforementioned dates the Bible observes, “A prudent man forseeth the evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished Pro. 22:3

Today, the topsy-turvy of truth with regard to God’s blessings is preached daily. As a result people no longer attach importance to SALVATION messages; their emphasis is on material blessing without putting accepting Christ as Lord and personal Saviour into consideration. This is how the truth of the Gospel is upturned. We must do something about it. It is as a result of this that Churches are so many which in turn attracts much multitude; yet majority of people attending Churches are not saved.

According to Paul, “Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to naught. But wisdom, which God ordained before the world into our glory…” 1 cor 2:6-7.

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I must say here that man is a unit of a higher energy and therefore generates hidden energies within him that are geared towards consolidation of his spiritual and physical being.

It is consequent upon this that various aspects of his bodies vibrate in accordance with the forces of light to pass or emit information to the gross material body. This is the hidden wisdom imbedded in the unit of the super-conscious being-man in order to guide him in the right path. It is unfortunate that many people negate this and pass on in life in conspicuous penury, excruciating and deplorable conditions.

“We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery.” In this ground braking wisdom there is nothing that happens to man, that nature which God ordained within him does not give him earlier and direct information about it. Some know it, many ignore it and few appreciate it and enjoy their relationship with God. Every part of our body is a divine agency center (Temple of God) through which God communicate to us. This communication could be through signs, signals and much more.

A born again Christian Brother called me some weeks ago and said to me that the lower part of his left eye was twitching and quivering seriously when he wanted to undertake a serious business venture. He prayed and was prayed for by his pastor who finally instructed him to pay his tithe from the money he was going to buy goods with.

The Christian Brother consequently obeyed the man of God, paid his tithe and decided to proceed to his journey. But before he went he called me on phone and informed me of the signs he was receiving from the lower part of his left eyes. He also sought for the meanings, I told him to wait and watch before undertaking the journey. He replied, “Prof, my pastor has prayed for me and God is in control…”

Following his confession, I asked him to do what the Holy Spirit has instructed him to do. The young man ignored the whole body signs and proceeded to his business trip. When he got to Lagos, according to him, he picked his money from the bank and on his way; he was robbed and shot on his left leg. The bible says, “A prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on, and are punished” proverbs 22:3.