People perish because they lack vision, or as a result of being led by visionless leaders. Vision is the compass that a man with a mission needs to chart his course in the murky waters of life. If you have no vision, you have no road map. You become confused, stranded and perplexed. Most people who are hindered lack the vision needed to progress. They do not know how to proceed in life. Vision gives you the template for your mission, a pattern you need to build a viable career.

Vision comes before mission. A good vision keeps you from perishing. People of vision are champions, even when they fail, they know how to get up because they are aware that people who fall learn how to get up. You can never be hindered if you have a good vision. In fact, it is the hallmark of leadership. Nobody achieves greatness without a vision. Nobody accomplishes a great task without a vision.

Successful missions are predicated on successful visions. That does not mean that the visioner would not encounter great obstacles, but vision would always lead to success in the end. Joseph, the dreamer in the Bible, succeeded in Egypt because he had a rare vision, which came through a dream. Nobody can succeed unless they first have a vision.

But it is not enough to have a vision, you must embark on it. The Bible says, write it down, ponder over it, run with it, know when to take those crucial steps to your declared mission, then success would be yours. I first saw the vision of this piece you are reading before I began writing it, after a very long, careful meditation, research and planning.

Inventors first have a vision, and then they begin to plan how to actualise it. Most of those who do not succeed have no vision at all. Lack of vision is a hindrance to progress in any field of endeavour. Even a minister of God who is called needs a vision to achieve goals in ministry.

Jesus knew his vision. He declared it often during his earthly ministry. He said, he was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil and save mankind from eternal hell. Even the Devil has a vision: to steal, to kill and to destroy, and he is pursuing it with singular determination.

Evil men have demonic visions. Terrorists have the vision to impose their wicked ideologies on people, and they pursue this ungodly vision with reckless abandon. The people of God often perish because of a lack of vision, while a follower of Satan steals God’s concept of visions and runs with it for his demonic ends.

When I left my family in Kano, northwest Nigeria, in 1973 for Lagos, I had a vision to change my life by getting the education I had missed. I did not allow the setback of not going to secondary school to hold me down from fulfilling my destiny. I worked hard, first as a labourer, then an accounts clerk at a bakery, during which I passed my General Certificate of Education (GCE), as an external student in 1974.

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I was subsequently employed as an audit clerk by Bisi Odunela & Co. (Chartered Accountants), from where I moved to the Punch newspaper to pursue a career in journalism. I changed my plan to pursue a career in accounting because journalism offered me a better opportunity to climb to the height I needed to actualise my vision to be a writer.

Here I am, the author of popular gospel tracts, journals and inspiring books that motivate depressed souls and promote the kingdom of God. Writing gives me the joy and fulfillment I cannot get from anything else. It enables me to evangelise and express my God-given talent as a Bible based-motivational writer, lecturer, life coach and minister of the word of Almighty God.

I encourage you to have a vision: It is never too late. I was 61 at the time of writing my first book. You can create a vision for yourself at any age. Just be true to yourself and have faith in God. Nothing shall be impossible for those who believe in the God of possibilities. The testimony of the great characters in the Bible, they all succeeded because they had godly visions. A clear vision pursued with single-minded determination is a mission waiting to be accomplished. Never give up; never retire. If you get tired it is time to re-fire.

I do not accept defeat and I made up my mind long ago that nobody would frustrate or distract me, not even the Devil and his cohorts. I ignore mockers and focus on my mission. When I succeed, the world would celebrate me, even though I am not doing this for world acclaim. I want you to get inspired by my story, that’s why I have told you here.

What you think of me is of no consequence. I require nobody’s permission to do my job, or appropriate all the covenant blessings I can. I do not need anybody’s endorsement for my work, though I would welcome positive comments on what I am able to accomplish for God, for myself and for humanity. Successful folks don’t have mockers; what they have are admirers. The fan club of successful people is full of yesterday’s enemies and those who jeered when things were not going right. Remember, failure is an orphan, but success has many fathers.

Weekend Spice: The grateful mind continually expects good things – Wallace D. Waltles

Ok folks, thanks for reading. Stay motivated.

•Ayodeji is an author, conference speaker/pastor and life coach. He can be reached at [email protected] and 09059243004 (SMS only)

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