From Magnus Eze, Enugu

An humanitarian organisation, De Norsemen Kclub International (DNKI) has donated food items, beverages and other commodities to alleviate the conditions motherless babies and destitute in Ebonyi State.

The items presented to the two homes were tubers of yam, bags of beans, bags of rice, cartons of noodles, cartons of soaps, toiletries, detergents, buckets and other household items.

Leader of DNKI in the state, Okenwa Uka said the action was part of their service to humanity especially as many Nigerians are facing hardship following the recent petrol subsidy removal by the federal government.

Uka said: “The membership of this club cuts across the entire 36 states of the federation of Nigeria and the FCT.

“The association also has membership in over 40 countries across the globe. Today is a special day for us, it is a special day we normally set aside to reach out to down trodden, people that we think that the hardship could be more on them than the ones we are having, coupled with the fact that there is hardship in Nigeria today as a result of the removal of fuel subsidy which we think will be for the betterment of the country at the long run.

“But for now, people are suffering the subsidy removal and in tandem with the activities of the state government which for sometime now, has been releasing palliatives; food items to people at various local governments, our club also decided to support the state government in giving out these palliatives and that is why we have decided to reach out to you people hoping that it will help to act as palliative, it will help to ameliorate sufferings.”

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Chairman, Planning Committee of this year’s event, Okoro Joshua Offor noted that the organization had in previous years paid school fees for indigent students, hospital bills for indigent patients and assisted other less privileged in the society in its humanitarian services.

John Lekpa, the Chairman of St. Vincent De Paul Old People’s Home and Rev. Sis Chijindu Anekwe in charge of Holy Innocent Motherless babies home, Onuebonyi in the state, commended the association for the gestures and prayed God to replenish the members.

They called other well to do organizations to emulate the gesture to give the down trodden a sense of belonging in the society.




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