It is common knowledge that STD means sexually transmitted disease. However, what many people don’t seem to understand is that it has a transcending worse meaning – sexually transmitted death. Anyway, disease or death, they have a common denominator traceable to sex.

We have often heard it said that something must kill a man (and woman too). Indeed, something must kill a man. One of the things that kill a man is sex, the thing he loves so much.

It is doubtless that there is no normal man that does not love sex. Of course, God created sex for man’s enjoyment, and procreation. However, there is a caveat: Sex is between man and woman, who are married, not swinging singles or man and man or woman and woman or extra-marital partners, as some debauched, twisted souls are propagating today.

This perversion has often resulted in death. For a man to die between a woman’s thighs is like going back the way he came. It is quite shameful though when such news breaks that a man has slumped and died during illicit sex. Though, admittedly, death during sex is not necessarily when it is unlawful, we cannot deny the shame that comes with being caught in ‘the very act’, not to talk of dying during it.

Did I say a man? Not exclusively. Women have also died during such ugly encounters, trailed with shame and dishonour to the grave. Imagine being described as the boy whose mother died during illicit sex with her lover, or the girl whose father met his shameful death during such torrid encounter; worse still is the feeling of pain and shame of surviving spouse.

Truly, betwixt a woman’s thighs is a deep well. No one can tell of any who has entered therein illegally and came out the same. Unfortunately, it holds so much allure and many are drawn thereto and come out grievously burnt.

Just last week, a philandering husband got stuck inside the mined well of his neighbour’s wife by forces the Yoruba call thunderbolt or magun. Another ‘neighbour’ helped splash the shame of both shamed lovers on the Internet. On Saturday, February 1, 2020, the Anambra State Police Command confirmed the death of an unidentified man in a hotel in Onitsha, during a sex romp with a widow. Earlier on Saturday, January 18, 2020, a 55-year-old bus driver had died in a hotel in Ibusa community, near Asaba, the state capital, during an extra-marital potboiler. His sex partner, a mother of three kids, was arrested.

The vermin of STD have no respect for personalities, as even clerics are not left out. A Pentecostal pastor was reported dead during an alleged sex frolic with a 19-year-old girl in a hotel room in Kwale, Ndokwa West Local Government Area of Delta State, on Thursday, November 23, 2017. In faraway Lusaka, Zambia, a Catholic priest ran into trouble and was suspended after his married lover allegedly died during marathon sex in his house. The deceased, who was a member of the Catholic Women’s League, had lied to her husband that she was going to a funeral, which nemesis turned real for her own life.

On July 24, 2013, a housewife paid the supreme price for adultery when she died in the hands of her young lover in a hotel room in Igando, Lagos State. The young man quietly abandoned her corpse in the room they lodged in and fled without informing the hotel’s management.

In the Whitesand area of Orile, Lagos, a man abandoned his wife and kids for three weeks only to die inside a metal container during a frolic with his lover, a pregnant woman.

Even a 65-year-old man reportedly died while having sex in a hotel in Awka, Anambra State. The management of the hotel said the woman in whose poisonous well he drowned was sneaking out of the hotel when she was caught and forced to go back to the room where the man was seen lying unconscious. He was confirmed dead on arrival at the hospital.

It is all so such a pity that the deceptive world glamourises sex. It paints rosy pictures of sex without telling us the putrescent side of it. Today, our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters have been officially quarantined inside the sinful house of satan, as inmates (not housemates) of that moral prison, indulging in turgid immorality. What stories emanate from there?

This inmate had sex with that inmate; this inmate took bath with this or that inmate when they are not married; this lover, that lover… or this loony boasting what she does to that bloke in bed, and shockingly some funny parents hail the tasteless display of their children in the name of entertainment that debases and belittles Naija.

Those who beat those of us against this aberrant show of shame with the koboko in their diarrheic mouth should be bold to tell us if those who argue that this is an adult and controlled channel that can only be watched by choice, what control is exercised over the news media that report all the sordid happenings in the collapsing house? Sadly, our broadcast regulators are still silent.

Let me cap this with this article from my favourite daily devotional, The Word for Today, on Monday, August 24, 2020: STAY OUT OF HARM’S WAY.

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It cites 1 Timothy 2:22,

warning: ‘Run from anything that stimulates…’

“The Bible sets the scene for us: ‘You’re the one I was looking for! I came out to find you, and here you are! My bed is spread with…coloured sheets of Egyptian linen…Come, let’s drink our fill of love until morning. Let’s enjoy each other’s caresses, for my husband is not home. He’s away on a long trip…and won’t return until later this month’…and enticed him with her flattery. He followed her at once, like an ox going to the slaughter…like a stag caught in a trap, awaiting the arrow that would pierce its heart…like a bird flying into a snare, little knowing it would cost him his life’ (Proverbs 7:15-23 NLT).

“Let’s modernise the setting. The bed could be a water bed or the back seat of a car. The linens could be plush carpet in front of a fireplace. The spices could be beer and pizza accompanied by soft background music. Today we could call such liaisons ‘friends with benefits’. It means each has all the benefits of sexual intimacy without a shred of commitment or concern for the other person’s well-being. And experts can document a growing mountain of evidence that it always ends the same way: with guilt, depression and devastated lives.

“Solomon pleads: ‘Listen to me, my sons (daughters)…pay attention to my words. Don’t let your hearts stray away towards her (him). Don’t wander down her (his) wayward path. For she (he) has been the ruin of many; many men (women) have been her (his) victims… Her bedroom is the den of death’ (Proverbs 7:24-27). In other words: remove yourself from harm’s way before you get in over your head!”

Nobody else qualifies to make this plea more than Solomon. Here was a man so blessed and endowed with divine wisdom but who allowed the foolishness of unbridled amour to becloud his glory. After wasting his life on 700 wives and 300 concubines, it dawned on him that even the most beautiful of women is vain.

Yes, sex, especially when illicit, titillates and stimulates like anabolic steroids. Once it gets hold of a man, it holds him captive but once the effect wears off and the eyes open to reality, the ruinous effect is total. Ask any cheating sportsman. Or better still, learn from King Solomon himself whose many women turned his heart away from God, as many men today have wandered away from their maker, chasing doom’s way skirts. How about you?

The big men’s revenge

This government promised us change. We bought into it and elected it to office.

Indeed, they brought change and our lives have not remained the same but, strangely, we accuse them of reneging on their promise.

I don’t agree; reason being that they never told us what manner of change they promised but, in our hurry to crucify Jonathan, we were too naive to ask if it was Rehoboam’s change or some other.

So, whether we take our entire N30,000 minimum wage to buy a keg of kerosine or pay a day’s power bill in our dingy one-room apartment is no matter but still in the spirit of the promised change.

However, what I don’t understand is the suggestion of some wag that these are not really changes but rather our big men on vengeance mission.

Seeing that none or a negligible number of poor folk fell to COVID-19 whereas many big men could not fly out as usual for treatment and so died, they are increasing the prices of everything to orchestrate hardship on the poor so that those COVID-19 failed to get, the avenging big man’s hammer must not miss.

Could it be true?

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