From Ndubuisi Orji, Abuja

A political pressure group, Defenders of Constitutional Democracy (DCD) has commended the President elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for endorsing the chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Land Transport, Tajudeen Abass, for the speakership of the 10th House.

The DCD, in a statement jointly signed by its national convener, Aliyu Abdullahi and the Director, Contact and mobilization, Chukwuma Okoro, said the decision of the party was in line with democratic best practices.

The group stated that the North West, where Abass hails from, delivered the highest number of votes to APC in the presidential election. It noted that it was only proper that the zone should be rewarded with the number four position in the country.

“We received the news of the zoning of the position of speaker of the House of Representatives to the North West with utmost gladness and the subsequent endorsement of Rt. Hon. Tajudeen Abass as the preferred candidate with great joy because a labourer deserves his wages.

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“The North West gave the APC 2,652,824 million votes even when both the president elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and his vice president elect, Senator Kashim Shettima were not from the zone. In fact, Tinubu got 30 percent of his total votes from the North West. This shows that the zone is loyal to the party and its candidates.

“Therefore, ceding the speakership position to the zone has shown that Tinubu and his team truly believes in a reward system that encourages hardwork, capacity and loyalty. Hon. Tajudeen Abass is the most competent lawmaker from the zone having being the highest bill sponsor in the 8th and 9th Assemblies,” it stated.

The group appealed to other contestants from the zone and other zones to accept Abass’ endorsement and work for the success of the party.

“As the CDC commends the party for taking this right step, we also appealed to other lawmakers contesting for this position to withdraw in deference to the party’s decision and support Rt. Hon. Tajudeen Abass to emerge as the speaker of the 10th House of Representatives.

“We are aware that Tajudeen Abass is just one among equals but there must be one speaker at a time and the lot has fallen on him this time around. The president elect and the party hierarchy have in their wisdom given him the nod to lead the House, therefore, let all the hands be on deck to actualise this dream for the good of our party, parliament, democracy, unity and nation at large,” the group added.

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