•Says we have lost faith in Nigerian leadership

From Noah Ebije, Kaduna

Following recent wanton killings allegedly by armed herdsmen in some communities in Southern Kaduna of Kaduna State, residents under the auspices of Southern Kaduna People’s Union (SOKAPU) have urged the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS), African Union (AU), United Nations (UN) and similar international communities to speak up and intervene to save the people from what they called ‘genocide of our people’.

Its leadership said it had lost faith in Nigerian leadership because of recent killings in the zone where no single arrest has been made, like the attacks over the years where attackers went scot-free while the people wallowed in pains.

Gunmen believed to be armed herdsmen penultimate Sunday invaded  Runji village (Sankwab) in Atyap land in  Zangon Kataf local government area of the State, killing over 30 persons and burning over 40 houses, aside similar attacks and killings in the area last month.

However, addressing a press conference on Thursday, SOKAPU President, Mr Awemi Dio Maisamari said the call on international communities became necessary since home government has allegedly failed to salvage the insecurity in the area.

He noted that the silence of the international communities to speak on terrorism in the zone has become worrisome, saying the earlier they speak up the better for the people.

“We are also very sad about the silence of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Africa Union (AU), the CommonWealth of Nations and the United Nations (UN) over the unrelenting pogrom in Southern Kaduna.

“SOKAPU is calling on these continental and global bodies to send independent investigation teams to Southern Kaduna to debunk or confirm our claims of ethnic cleansing here.

“Before then, we advocate for a UN or AU Peace Enforcement Operations Base in Southern Kaduna. This will practicality demonstrate that the world is interested in our collective survival as minority ethnic groups. It must not abandon us to be hounded by well funded and well-armed herdsmen who are  being encouraged and protected by their powerful kinsmen and collaborators in and outside Nigeria.

“At this juncture, we will like to thank all the good spirited persons, groups and NGOs in and out of Nigeria that have assisted in various ways. We plead that they should not relent on their kindness as indeed our woes are not over.

“However, we have actually lost faith in the Nigerian state; not in the Nigerian people. In particular, we have lost faith in the Nigerian Leadership, and the current political arrangement that we have.

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“Honestly, we have lost hope in the system and leadership of Nigeria and that is why we are calling on international community to intervene.

“The truth must be told that it is possible that you can change personnel, but if you don’t change the operating environment, you are not likely to get a better result.

“We have overdose of knowledge in Nigeria; overdose because there are countries with less resources we have in Nigeria, and they are doing better than us. So what is really wrong with us as a nation.

“You are all witnesses to the wanton cruelty being visited on our communities by bands of murderous armed herdsmen in the recent past  for which no single arrest has been made.

“Last Sunday, 16th April, 2023, the peaceful, farming Runji village (Sankwab) in Atyap land Zangon Kataf LGA in Southern Kaduna, was invaded by marauding armed herdsmen around 1am in which they carried out horrific acts of murder, arson and theft. After operating for hours, brave youths of the town joined by others from neighboring villages teamed up and faced the invaders who then retreated into the night. By day break, 42 houses were burnt with 17 women and children roasted beyond recognition.

“12 corpses mutilated by machete cuts and bullet shots were picked in and around the village. Later in the day, 4 persons that were rushed to hospitals, died of their wounds, making the death toll 33 and those still in hospitals, 8.

“The victims were buried in a mass grave on the eastern edge of the village. Southern Kaduna is dotted by numerous mass graves of such kind of victims.

“As usual, the Kaduna State Government and the Federal Government have not visited the place nor send any form of assistance to the scores that have been rendered homeless.”

It said no fewer than 245 Southern Kaduna communities have been sacked by armed herdsmen in collaboration with terrorists.

“If the size of these captured areas is added to Birnin Gwari and adjoining areas, these outlaws have taken around 6000sq.km of Kaduna State land which is bigger than the size of Imo State. …

“With a few weeks to the end of this administration, the attacks only seem to be stepping up. And the fact that the same government wants to succeed itself at both the state and Federal levels, we have great doubts if the genocide, kidnapping, displacement and occupation will abate,” SOKAPU president said.

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