Molly Kilete, Abuja

The Nigerian Army said it’s troops engaged in the counter insurgency war in the north east have taken over New Marte and adjoining communities hitherto under the control of the Boko Haram group.
The recapture of the town according to the Director Army Public Relations
Brigadier General Mohammed Yerima, is coming barely 48, hours after the Chief of Army Staff Major-General Ibrahim Attahiru, gave the troops a 48, hour ultimatum to dislodged the criminals.
Yerima, in a statement said scores of the terrorists were killed and several Improvised Explosive Device (IEDs) and landmines planted across their routes destroyed during the operation backed by air cover from the Nigerian Air force.
Yerima, statement reads; “Troops of Nigerian Army troops this afternoon, around 3pm, recovered New Marte and adjoining communities from the develish Boko Haram terrorists. This is coming less than the 48 hours directive earlier given to the troops to recover the town by the Chief of Army Staff, Major General Ibrahim Attahiru.

“The troops backed by air cover from the Nigerian Air force , successfully charged through Marte town, destroying several Improvised Explosive Device (IEDs) and landmines laced across their routes and killing scores of Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists and successfully recovered the town.

“The gallant troops are currently in total control of the general area. Details soon”.

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