Perfume is said to be the final accessory when it comes to fashion. A dab here and there, and you’re out the door. However, where you place perfume on your body, and how much you spritz on can impact how long it lasts on your skin.

Here are some tips to try:

•Don’t rub perfume into your skin

Avoid rubbing perfume into your skin. It causes the top notes to fade and evaporate before they can settle.  Rubbing perfume onto your skin also causes friction, which can heat up and change the scent.

•Focus on your pulse

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If you want to wear perfume, just focus on your pulse points. Your pulse points, located on the inside of your wrists, inner elbows, below your belly button, and behind your ear lobes and knees, are where your veins sit closest to your skin, so you can feel your pulse. These warm spots on your body emit extra body heat, which  helps to naturally diffuse a scent. To apply perfume to your pulse points, spritz or dab it, on a few or all of them, and your fragrance will linger all day. Don’t rub it.

•Spritz, then walk into your perfume

Instead of spraying perfume all over, dab it onto your pulse points and then do what is called a “spritz and step.” Spray your perfume in front of you, then walk right into it and back out. This will leave a light layer on your clothes, and make sure you’re  covered. Don’t over do it.

•Feel free to spray your clothes

Applying a little perfume to your clothing is a great way to keep your scent going all day long. Just make sure it’s not something that can stain, such as silk. Fragrance interacts with fabrics differently than the skin, so it’ll probably smell lighter or slightly different. Try spritzing some perfume in the air and waving your clothes around in it, or spritzing a bit on the inner lining of your coat or blazer. The result is that a light wafting of your perfume will travel with you wherever you go.

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