From Abel Leonard, Lafia

The Federal High Court Lafia presided by Hon Justice Nehezina Afolabi has declared Hon Muhammed Ibrahim Alkali as the authentic and lawful winner of the Direct Primaries of the All Progressives Congress (APC) held on Friday 27th May 2022 and duly monitored by the INEC.

In a well-considered judgement, the court succinctly held that all the preliminary objections by the 3rd Defendant, Juliana Esla Dauda, were misconceived, lacked merit and unsubstantiated in law.

The court dismissed the case in totality.

Justice Nehezina Afolabi held that cause of action arose at the time INEC published the name of the 3rd Defendant, Juliana Esla Dauda as the candidate of the party for Lafia North Constituency.

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She said the plaintiff, Hon Muhammed Ibrahim Alkali, who became aware of the publication, filed his case within the 14 days period as required by law.

The Honourable Justice of the Federal High Court further held that she found merit in the case of the Plaintiff, Hon. Muhammed Ibrahim Alkali who proved his case sufficiently on the preponderance of evidence adduced.

The court in its judgement set aside the publication of the name of the 3rd Defendant, Juliana Esla Dauda on INEC’s portal and at the various INEC offices in the Six Electoral Ward that make up Lafia North Constituency.

The court consequently ordered INEC to immediately remove the name of the 3rd Defendant, Juliana Esla Dauda and replace same with that of the Plaintiff, Hon. Muhammed Ibrahim Alkali.

The court finally ordered INEC to henceforth recognize Hon Muhammed Ibrahim Alkali as the only lawful and authentic candidate of the Party having scored the highest number of votes cast 17 against 12 in the direct primaries of the Party which was well supervised and monitored by INEC.

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