From Chris Anucha, Port-Harcourt

Chairman of  Rivers State chapter of  the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), chief Felix Obuah,  has described  Governor Nyesome  Wike has God-sent . He also spoke on his administration, among other issues.

You are very close to Governor Nyesom Wike, how did you meet him?   

I have known Wike, since 2000, and we were colleagues as Local Government  Chairmen,    from 2003 to 2007.  I think, I have known him for the past 17 years.

What kind of a person is he?

He is a very simple man; he is a focused man, an articulate person. Wike is very sincere in whatever he does. He is man of the people, a grassroots politician, and  as a matter of fact, he is our God-sent messiah. He has actually put life in the people of Rivers State.  When he started as a Council Chairman, little did people know where he was heading, he made a lot of exploits as a local government chairman, and everybody saw it. And as Chief of Staff, we have  got  many of them in this state, I don’t think there is any  Chief  of Staff who  impacted so much on  the people, like Wike did. He  left  there,  as a Junior minister, he  also  did  a lot of exploits, emerging  as  the best  minister in this  country, in spite  of the fact that he was a junior minister. He toured virtually, all the states of the federation as a junior minister for Education.  We have 36 states and  there is no state Wike did not touch in the course of his job. That is to show how dutiful, and serious, he takes his job.  He  puts his job first before any other thing. And  when  he  doubled  as  the  coordinating minister  for Education  one could  see what he did, he is  a very transparent leader, no wonder the good people of Rivers state,  the elders, the elites,  met  and said he is the right  person  at  this point in  time,  to deliver Rivers state from  the  shackles  of Amaechi and his  myopic leadership.  So, he heeded to the call of the people and decided to run for the election. You know  it  is not easy for someone  to come and win an incumbent.  Amaechi was an incumbent, he had everything going for him, but the people were not there for him because, he  failed the people.

How did Wike defeat Ameachi?

During the campaign, Wike, being a grassroots man, moved from one village to another, one Ward to another, meeting the people and talking to them about his mission to deliver Rivers state. As a matter of fact, the people came out en masse and said this is real change and voted massively for a man of destiny. And today, you can see what he is doing, he is a detribalized politician, his leadership cuts across the length and breadth of this state, he  is more of a stabilizing politician, he stabilized the politics of Rivers state. Before now, we  hear of Upland and Riverine dichotomy in Rivers state. For the past two years now, we have not been hearing of upland and Riverine, everybody is Rivers state person. He has been able to bridge this gap, he is bridge builder. There are about  30 political parties  existing  in  the state and 29 of them are given juicy positions, some of them are serving  in Caretaker committees, some of them are serving in other committees, some are being  given  the privilege  of  traveling  to  the Holy land for pilgrimage.  Wike has demystified governance and today, you can see that everybody is happy.  See the road constructions and  the development going on in the state, the whole place has been light up.  When we came in, Port-Harcourt  was  filthy, with  waste all over the state, but  he gave a marching order, and  today, we can boldly  say that  Port- Harcourt  city is returning to  the Garden city that we used to know it for. Wike is a man of destiny,  he  is a  man I will  always  like to  associate  with  any  time, any  day.

You said Governor Wike is God-sent, what do you really  mean?

They say, ‘there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God (Roman chapter 13:1),’ Wike  would  not  have  been  a  governor, if  God had  not  searched  the  heart  of  men  and  found  out  that  at  this point, we need a Wike, it would not have been possible. I  used  the word, ‘at this point’,  because, it was at the point Rivers state was  being  sold  out, we  were like stranger  in our own land, no  development,  our resources  were  used  for  other people  from other states, they were coming here  to milk us dry.  In  the midst of plenty, we were living in abject poverty, and God said’ no, my people can longer be living like this.’ And God said, ‘who will I send? He searched the length and breadth of Rivers and said,’ I will send the messiah of their time,’ and that is what I am trying to emphasize (prolonged laughter). Wike is the messiah of our time. Today, along the roads, in the creeks, anywhere he goes, people are coming out, chanting his name, hailing him. Today, Rivers people have changed his name.

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From what, to what?

From Mr.  High Tension  to,  Mr.  Project, because  the man is executing  projects every day, supervising projects every day. He is a child of destiny.

How do you mean?

He is the governor who will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Rivers state, the Golden Jubilee of the state. By May 27, this year, River state will be 50 and the governor, chief Barrister Ezenwo Nyesom Wike(CON) a destiny child, the man of the moment, the best governor of  Rivers State, the  best governor Nigeria has ever produced, will be the man to oversee that celebration.  No wonder, The Sun also bestowed on him The Governor of the Year.

One of the criticisms against the former governor was that he locked out many politicians in the state from the scheme of things, that, he didn’t run an all-inclusive government. Is the present governor carrying the people along?

I have said  it,  and I want to emphasize  here  that  Wike  has gone  beyond  PDP, he has gone beyond Rivers state, he has gone beyond Ikwerre, Ogba, Ndoni, Ogoni, Kalabari. I told you that Rivers is now one state.  He has unified all the ethnic groups in the state. I told you the era of Upland and Riverine was over, we now have one Rivers state. You can hardly  identify who is Upland or Riverine person under Wike. The man has  cut  across  party boundaries,  I am the chairman of  Intra-Party Advisory Council  (IPAC), I am  the chairman of all the political parties, I am telling you that  virtually, all  other political parties are part and parcel of  this government. His achievements are  unprecedented. He is a messiah o!

You are the state chairman of PDP, the way you are praising him suggests that you are likely to give him  the ticket to contest in 2019?

Well, we don’t talk of tomorrow, we talk of today, Jesus said,’ give us this day, our daily bread,’ he didn’t say, give  us tomorrow,  when tomorrow comes, we will cross  it, what  we are after now is how  to touch the lives of our people, power belongs  to  God, it  is  not  my duty  to decide who will  be  the next governor or not, power  belongs  to the people. The people will take the decision, I am not the one, if God says he is going to be there, and if the people say he is going to be there, nobody  will  stop him. Nobody  will  stop    a  moving  train.

Finally, what is your advice to those that are still opposed to his administration, especially those in the opposition?

That’s the beauty of politics, we do it decently, maturely, with sense of humour, we should not play politics to the extreme, we should not play politics of do-or- die, we should realise that it is like a race, you don’t win all the time. Sometimes, you win, sometimes you lose. If you don’t win today, maybe, that’s how God wants it.  My advice is that they should join hands with the governor and build our state. I could remember,  Buhari once said that ‘Nigeria is our country, let’s put hands together and salvage it together,’, where else can we run to? Rivers state is our own, if we destroy the state and run  to Abuja,  we  must come back.  In spite of your political leanings,  in spite  of where you belong  to,  call it PDP, APC, APGA, Labour party,  we  all are Rivers people, we  have something that bind us together,  we have something that connect us, so, let us  remember that there  is  always  tomorrow.  It may not be your turn today, tomorrow may be your turn. So, let’s join hands with Governor Wike, let’s join hands with the government to build the River State of our dream.

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