From Oluseye Ojo, Ibadan

The Aare Ona Kakakanfo of Yorubaland, Iba Gani Adams, has told President Bola Tinubu that the best solution to the foundational problems, besetting the socio-economic and political progress of Nigeria is restructuring.

This was contained in a congratulatory letter, which Adams sent to Tinubu over his electoral victory at for Supreme Court of Nigeria recently.

The letter read in part: ‘Your Excellency, I,Iba Gani Abiodun Ige Adams, the Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland, write to congratulate you on your victory at the Supreme Court. Your victory at the apex court was an affirmation of the popular mandate given to you by Nigerians at the February 25 Presidential Election. It is a reflection of your avowed commitment to justice, fair-play, and merits of the law, without fear or favour.

“In every election, there is always a winner and a loser. But the underlining fact remains that we are all one,indivisible Nigeria, that is binded by fate to be the leading nation in Africa.

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“Nigeria is going through alot at the moment,but it must be said that your victory has given rise to a leadership that this time demands. And we must agree with the fact that this is truly a new chapter in the political trajectory of Nigeria.

“As much as I join other Nigerians to celebrate your victory, I am of the view that now is the time for us to build the Nigeria of our dream. However, let me say it for posterity that Nigerians, irrespective of our ethnic nationalities have common belief in the strength of our diversity

“And your commitment to continue to serve all Nigerians of all political persuasions,tribes and faiths with honour and respect for the diverse opinions and uniting values of our citizens should be the fulcrum of your administration. As the Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland, I believe in restructuring as the best solution to the foundational problem of Nigeria. I will continue to support your administration as a Yoruba man,a brother and father of the nation, especially,a Nigerian nation that is tied to this political ideology.

“It is the dream of our founding fathers to see Nigeria becoming a prosperous nation.A nation that is ready to fulfill its dreams and the collective aspirations of the citizens. It is this belief that should, therefore be the guiding light that would help in directing the energy of our people towards building a virile, stronger, united, and more prosperous country.

“As I share in your moment of victory, let the reform and the Renewed Agenda of your administration begin; it is my hope that Nigeria will grow from strength to strength for it to fulfill the dream of our founding fathers. Asiwaju, congratulations once again. I pray God and the Yoruba ancestors to guide your path as you fulfill the destiny of our dear nation.”

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