By Usman Santuraki

The nearly seven years administration of Haman Adama Njabari-led management team of Adamawa State Board of Internal Revenue has witnessed improvements in the collection of revenue in the state.

In order to improve the State›s revenue generation, in line with the agenda of the Governor Ahmadu Fintri administration for the generation of revenue, there have been deliberate conscious efforts to effectively utilize the staff, in blocking all loopholes in diverting revenues collected, through formal training for them to fully know the importance of remitting what was collected as revenue into government coffers.

This led to the achievement of significant milestone, never experienced in the state in generating revenue that enables the Fintri administration in executing laudable projects that have direct impact on the lives of the people of the state.

Not resting on its oars, the board under Njabari is already focused on consolidating and possibly surpassing the previous revenue generation that even the State House of Assembly passed a vote of confidence on the board for the effort it makes in revenue generation. The board rejigged the method of obtaining driver›s license and plate number through online applications.

Within the last six and half years, the board witnessed a remarkable rise in the generation of revenue to the tune of billions of naira. This has to do with efficiency of collection and bold step taken in collaboration with the Federal Inland Revenue Service. There is no doubt that this largely a direct fallout of the purpose-driven and result-oriented management system of the Njabari-led management.

There is a strong indication that the Adamawa State Board of Internal Revenue management under Njabari is poised to transform into being revenue hub for sustainable development of the state.

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Physical infrastructure was given a boost as some new offices were erected to accommodate the staff of relevant departments as well as the landscaping of the office thereby making the environment conducive for the board. Also, the board acquired computers to accentuate the workings of each department especially where payment are made for obtaining of motor vehicles particular .

There was also the provision of vehicles to carry out the work of the board by the staff especially those on constant roaming collecting revenue from the markets, stores and filling stations in the state. Some of the actions of the management team under Njabari are commendable as they are designed to entrench the culture of compliance, strengthen corporate governance between the board and other institutions like banks, companies for improved performance in the payment of taxes.

The vision, guidance, and dedication the management team has displayed over the last seven years have significantly shaped the board’s success and fostered a culture of excellence. Given what Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintri has achieved so far, it is clear that the service delivery landscape in Adamawa State has changed for the better because of what the management team under Njabari was able to generate as revenue that complements what the state is getting from the Federal Account on monthly basis.

The board has overhauled its tax law to be more effective and has now put systems in place to improve the financial status of the state. This has shown positive growth of the state in revenue generation and greatly enhanced the flexibility of the people in rushing to pay their taxes to the board without being compelled to do so.

Today, the management team led by Njabari is being praised for achieving the feat of turning around revenue generation and achieving optimal performance in Adamawa State.

Santuraki, a public and political analyst, writes from No2 Santuraki Close

• Demsawo, Jimeta-Yola, Adamawa State

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