From Ndubuisi Orji, Abuja

Member, House of Representatives, representing Mangu/Bokkos Federal Constituency, Solomon Maren, has decried the killing of over 100 people, including women and children, in his constituency, by gunmen.

Maren, in a statement, yesterday, expressed  dismay that in the last two days, defenceless citizens were “massacred and butchered in cold blood by terrorists during an overnight unprovoked attack at their houses, and their food stuffs, food barns and seedlings burnt.”

The lawmaker said the Federal Government has not done enough to stop the killings in years. Nevertheless, he commended “the few gallant officers working without sufficient arms, yet gave themselves to save lives”.

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Maren said: “These killings are one among many in the constituency, where over 200 people have been killed in the last four months before this one. Government may claim to be doing its best, but its best is not good enough, since it is not able to stop the killings in years. However, I commend the few gallant officers working without sufficient arms, yet gave themselves to save lives.

“The responsibility lies in the president to first condemn the dastardly act, which we expect him to do so and immediately go ahead to protect lives and properties, which is the primary responsibility of the government. Therefore, I urge the president to order the security agencies to move into the area with immediate effect, to curb the killings as well as the National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) and other well spirited organisations to, also, move in with relief materials for the wounded survivors of the dastardly attack.

“While urging for support across boards, I condemn the attack in its entirety and call for calm and no one should take the law into their hands. I  commiserate with the government and people of Plateau State, the Miskhakam Meagavul, the governor-elect of Plateau State and, indeed, the Chairman of Mangu LGA on the attack and pray for the repose of the souls of those killed.”

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