From Oluseye Ojo, Ibadan


Two years after student, Joseph-Oduntan, Oluwatomisin Daniel, sat for the secondary school terminal examinations – May/June 2021 Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE), the West African Examination Council (WAEC) is yet to release his certificate.

The lad wrote the examinations at the International College of Arts, Science and Technology (ICAST), a private secondary school in Elebu, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

The principal of the school, B.J. Adewumi, said ICAST had reached out to the regional examination body at different times for the release of the certificate because it was an omission on the part of WAEC, adding that the non-release of the certificate was wasting the affected ex-student’s time.

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Meanwhile, ICAST has, once again, reached out to WAEC, over the non-release of the certificate, saying the affected candidate was one of its 52 students, who sat for the May/June 2021 examination.

The student, Joseph-Oduntan, Oluwatomisin Daniel’s examination number was 4311449033.

The ICAST’s management team expressed displeasure with WAEC’s failure to release the certificate of the student two years after the examination. In a fresh letter, it called WAEC to issue the student his certificate.

Adewumi who signed the letter, indicated that the parents of the affected student had been wrongfully accusing the school of withholding their child’s certificate.

The college, in the fresh letter to WAEC, addressed to the body’s DR (SED), in Yaba, Lagos State, through its Zonal Coordinator in Ijokodo, Ibadan, expressed the school management’s worry and the concern of the parents of the candidate over the non-release of the certificate two years after.

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