Nigerians are clearly facing numerous challenges and there is no gainsaying this fact. Notwithstanding all the problems confronting us a nation, as a minister of the gospel I am convinced that a better tomorrow is coming for this nation.

I am constantly reminded of that book written by Robert Schuller titled, Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do.

As we marked the 59th independence anniversary, I felt an urge to call on Nigerians to support the unity and peace of the country. When there is no peace there cannot be socio-economic and political development as well as improvements in the life and welfare of ordinary Nigerians.

There is also need to plead with President Muhammadu Buhari and his economic team to tackle the economic hardship in the country and not betray the trust and enormous goodwill upon which the administration rode to power. Therefore, there is need for all of us to be involved in the quest for good governance.

We cannot continue to lament over our lost opportunities. As individuals and a people, we need to find concrete solutions to the problems and march on strongly. Without prejudice to what the present government is up to, the government still needs to take steps to tackle the pains and sufferings of Nigerians by dealing with high cost of foodstuff, irregular supply of electricity, poor infrastructure, not-too-good roads, poor states of health and schools facilities, the alarming rate of unemployment in our society, the spate of killings, violence and insecurity across the country traumatizing the hapless citizenry.

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In addition, the unending criminalities arising from corruption, killings, cultism, rape, kidnappings, armed robbery, poverty, unemployment, hopelessness, ailing economy, unfulfilled electoral promises, decay in socio-infrastructure among others, hovering over the country should be checked urgently, for there to be sustainable peace, stability, justice and fairness without which there can be no meaningful development and good governance.

The country faces many challenges which only godliness, fear of God, honesty, truth, sincerity and justice can assure good governance. Also, the citizens have a responsibility to continue to insist on good governance.

I want to assure Nigerians that we can have a better society, if we can eschew differences in ethnic, religious, political, tribal differences. It will greatly lessen the tensions and acrimonies bedeviling, our nation. Also Nigerians need to embrace one another in peace and unity, as, we have had enough of the hatred, the killings and the divisions.

• Prophet Timothy Abass Arabambi, Assistant General Evangelist, CAC Worldwide and General Overseer, CAC Reformation Land, wrote from Ibadan, Nigeria.

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