By Rasaq Oboirien

Rangers International of Enugu has officially unveiled Fidelis Ilechukwu as its new Technical Adviser to replace Abdul Maikaba who left his position at the end of the 2022/2023 season, after he decided not to renew his contract.

Ilechukwu after his unveiling said, “I’m delighted to be joining Rangers. My sincere thanks goes to the Enugu State Government, Flying Antelopes management, supporters and the media who are very important in this business.

“I am very positive about making things work here and getting the needed results to take Rangers to the level it rightly belongs in next two years.”

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Administrative Secretary of the club, Barrister Ferdinand Ugwuarua: “Looking at his resume, Ilechukwu has all it takes to improve Rangers, we are solidly behind him to lead us to countless triumphs on the domestic scene for us to have a shot at the continent again.

“After Maikaba failed to renew his contract at the end of last season, we quickly went ahead with our program by going out in search of a perfect replacement which we found in Fidelis Ilechukwu and today, we present him to the sporting media and other stakeholders as we believe that he has what it takes to lead the club to a high place where the club rightly belong.”

Ex-Super Eagles coach, captain and club legend Chief Christian Chukwu in a brief remark, stated that: “The right thing has been done by the way the management went and got coach Ilechukwu and we are going to give him the support to succeed.”