From Aloysius Attah, Onitsha


President General, Nimo Town Development Union, Anambra State, Chief Ekenenna Okafor-Omabu has disassociated decent stakeholders and members of the community from a sponsored protest which took place in the community recently.


The President General in a statement released yesterday stated categorically that those who staged the protest under the auspices of a non-existent name -‘Nimo Leaders of Thought’ led by Mr. Chux Okonwkwo, a “self-styled lawyer and rabble rouser” masquerading as a community leader simply disturbed the peace of Nimo Town in Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra State though they could not succeed in causing mayhem in the community. .


Okafor -Omabu confirmed that the purported protest was about the sale of some portions of Nimo’s ancestral, Owa Land part of which is now called Obodo-Oma, Nimo.


While setting the records straight, he stated that historically, Owa Land was a communal property of the citizens of Nimo that was acquired by conquest and bequeathed to the people of Nimo more than 200 years ago.


He disclosed that over the years, most Nimo families farmed on portions of this land and held same in trust for the community and there was never a time Nimo community assigned any portion of the said land to anyone.

He further disclosed that the move to develop Owa Land predated the office of the current President General of Nimo, Chief Ekenenna Okafor-Omabu, and Igwe Maxi Ike Oliobi, the Owelle of Nimo because during the tenure of the previous Owelle of Nime, Igwe Okafor-Agilo, Nimo Community at a General Assembly meeting gave approval for the plotting and mapping of the Owa-land for development.

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“A committee comprising of representatives from all quarters of Nimo was originally set up to actualize this mandate. This initiative went moribund for some time due to lack of funds. However, about 3 years ago under a new leadership, a new committee was reconstituted and given the charter to develop Owa-land. This committee is led by Chief P. A. Afuba (SAN) and members from all quarters of Nimo. Members of this committee carved out a portion of the Owa-Land and had this renamed as Obodo-Oma. They have been working tirelessly to actualize the dreams of Ndi Nimo. This committee has consulted Nimo General assembly at every stage of the development to date, apprising the community of what was going on and seeking approval for the next phase of the project. This is all on record.”


“Mr. Okonkwo, the leader of the agitators and his group have vowed to make the town ungovernable unless their untenable demands seeking the resignation or removal of both the Owelle of Nimo, the PG of Nimo, and other Leaders of the town are met. They have made series of unfounded accusations against the Leaders of Nimo. They have resorted to all kinds of shenanigans and unsavory actions and activities to upstage our institutions.”

“This is evidenced by the celebrated court case they brought seeking for the removal of the traditional ruler. They lost this case and they have now resorted to unjustifiable protests designed to break law and order in Nimo. This group’s desire is unwarranted and untenable. It is orchestrated and calculated to torpedo the current Leadership in Nimo” .

“Mr Chux Okonkwo, the leader of this group fell out with the Owelle of Nimo and the Leadership because he sought to be the Legal Adviser for the town but was not selected due to his unstable character. Also, recently, the community of Nimo Lawyers dismissed him from their group because of his negative actions and activities in other unrelated manners.

“Another financier of the group, Mr. Uche Isikala resides in the USA. He has vowed to make the town ungovernable because his father was defeated in his village election for the position of Ichie. He wanted Owelle Nimo to unfairly appoint his father as the Ichie of his village. These leading figures engaged other like minded people to create havoc in the town. Suffice is to say that this group does not represent the core interests of the community but are more focused on their personal interests.” He said.

He said leaders of Nimo community remains focused on serving their people to the best of their ability while Nimo remains a peace loving town which they intend to keep it that way under their watch.

“All citizens of Nimo are advised to go about their daily chores and continue working hard to make our community a safe place for all” he concluded.




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