From Noah Ebije, Kaduna

The Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU) has claimed that Permanent Voter’s Cards (PVCs) were being bought and carted away by unscrupulous politicians in order to deny the people voting rights in strongholds of other political parties in the state.

It said the incidents have become worrisome, and called on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to investigate the allegation without delay.

In a press statement by it Acting President, Elisha Rosi, SOKAPU noted that there were large uncollected PVCs at certain collection centres, especially in the rural areas, and also called on INEC to save the situation.

“There are agents of some politicians who have been going around collecting PVCs of unsuspecting persons and paying them sums of money. Anyone who forfeits his voter’s card out of financial inducement is not only doing himself and his future  a great disservice but is also culpable in the criminal act. Report to the police anyone who asks for your voter’s card in exchange of money.

“Southern Kaduna must take advantage of the 2022 Amended Electoral Act, which has added much integrity to future elections in Nigeria.

“It is our firm believe that with the introduction of the Biomodal Voters Accreditation System (BIVAS) it will be  very difficult to  compromise future elections. 

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“Therefore, it is very unacceptable that our citizens seeking to exercise their franchise are being dribbled around by INEC officials. We call upon INEC to look into this allegation and take serious steps to arresting this misconduct if found true.

“Our members should also lay official complaints to INEC in areas where the collection of the PVCs has been deliberately made difficult.

“As for our members who are reluctant to go and collect their PVCs, they must know that they will have no moral right to complain should candidates that are not of their choices emerge winners. And the situation which Southern Kaduna, and indeed the entire Nigeria has found itself, every of our members that is of voting age cannot afford to show indifference.

“Therefore, we call on all our members home and outside Kaduna State to do everything legally permissible to collect their PVCs and get ready for the 2023 general elections.

“Those who have theirs ready, should ensure their safety and come out in large numbers and cast their votes. The future of our country lies with our PVCs and Southern Kaduna should be seen to be fully participating in the 2023 general polls.”

“We have been inundated with complaints that officials of INEC at some PVCs collection centres in some Local Government Areas (LGAs) in some urban areas of Kaduna state  are making it difficult for citizens to get their PVCs. For hours citizens would besiege collection centres just to be told to return the next day or that their polling units have been changed to places where it will be impossible for them to access on election days due to restriction of movements.

“At the same time, it has been shown that at certain PVC centres, especially in our rural areas, there are large uncollected PVCs”. The statement said. 

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