From Molly Kilete, Abuja

The Minister of Defence, Alhaji Mohammed Badaru, has solicited for prayers from all Nigerians to end the insecurity ravaging the country.

Badaru said this has become necessary owe to the complexities of the insecurity ranging from terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, armed robbery and other violent crimes bedeviling the country.

He said even though the task before him and his minister of state as Defence ministers was enormous, they were determined to end the challenges in the shortest possible time.

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The minister, who made the call when he received the Jigawa state governor Malam Umar Namadi, at Ship House, Abuja, also called for the support of Nigerians, to instill peace and stability in the country.

In his address during the visit, governor Namadi, who led a Dele of traditional rulers, religious leaders, the business community and public office holders from the state, said they were at the ministry to congratulate the minister and assure him of their support and cooperation at all times.

The governor while noting that insecurity remains the greatest challenge in the country, told the ministers that Nigerians have high expectations that he would priotise and deal with the situation speedily to enable them go about their legitimate duties without fears.

He expressed the how that with his track records as the former governor of Jigawa he is in a good position to restore peace in the county.

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