James Ojo, Abuja

Nigeria’s Organised Labour movement took a practical step yesterday to minimise job cuts from the COVID-19 pandemic by signing a Memorandum of Understanding MOU with the Organised Private Sector.

The MOU was signed between the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and the Nigeria  Employers’ Consultative Association (NECA).

Speaking at the ceremony, NLC President, Comrade Ayuba Wabba, said it had become necessary to save jobs from the negative economic impact of the pandemic. “Today’s   event   is   another   testament   to   the   growth   and development   of   social   dialogue,   cooperation   and   tripartite engagement  in Nigeria. This is borne out of the understanding that businesses and   workers   are   siamese   twins   with   mutually   shared   interests and aspirations. Unfortunately, nothing has in recent times threatened the shared interests and aspirations of both employers of labour and workers like   the  COVID-19  pandemic.

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“The disease   had   successfully   put   the   entire   global   socioe-conomic system on almost complete lockdown for the past three months. The   impact   on   businesses,   workers   and   livelihood   has   been monumental.

According to a report released by the International Labour   Organisation   (ILO)   in   March   2020,  an estimated 25   million   people globally were expected to lose their jobs to the pandemic. I am sure that figure was based on early assessment of the situation,” he stated.

Wabba declared that the world and indeed Nigeria are in dire times with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic  on   health  and  business  which  are humongous,  hence the urgency to enter into social partners with employers of Labour by developing   a   shared   perspective  aimed  at mitigating the storms ahead.

“It   is   gratifying   that   this   MoU   has   successfully   identified  critical areas   of   mutual   needs,   collaboration   and   efforts  that   would enable the social partners address the fallout of COVID-19 in our country.

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