Gyang Bere, Jos

The United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Stuart Syminton, has urged religious and traditional rulers to step up campaigns that promote free, fair and peaceful elections.

Syminton said this yesterday at a roundtable discussion organised for religious and traditional rulers in the North by Gideon-Funmi Para-Mallam Peace Foundation, in Jos, Plateau State. 

The ambassador delivered a keynote address on a theme: “Support Nigeria towards a free, fair and violence free 2019 Elections: What can religious leaders do before, during and post-election?”

He said: “It is not enough for religious leaders to speak about peaceful elections but they should inspire non-violence through their actions. I urge Nigerians to work together to ensure a peaceful election that would lead to a choice that would be respected by all.

“The beauty of democracy is that the citizens are the government, the governor is there temporarily, the citizens govern forever.”

Convener of the roundtable, Rev Gideon Para-Mallam sai: “Nigeria is in a high state of tension in the count-down to the elections. In fact, we do not need a prophet to warn us of the high stakes involved in these elections. 

“Many concerned observers of the Nigerian political space, domestic and International alike-have expressed deep concern over the dire signs and we have been in the forefront of encouraging the rule of law and free, fair and credible election.

“Many people have expressed deep concern over the signs and events surrounding the elections, the narrative that tend to build up tension and acrimony around election in Nigeria tend to reflect the destructive narrative people imbibe from religious indoctrination. Whether you are a Muslim or Christrian but thank God that we are all here together, may God help us to provide the right leadership.

“Most of these indoctrinations are biased, not very objective if you dig deep. Religious and traditional rulers get a critical role to play in dismantling such narratives by pointing to their followers in the right direction of peaceful co-existence and respect for the rule of law.”

He expressed concern that when politicians from different political parties promised to guarantee votes in millions for their parties and preferred candidates, “one would wander where and how he would achieve such ambition.”

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