From Desmond Mgboh Kano

The Nigeria Police in Kano have smashed an inter-state human trafficking syndicate behind the theft and sales of minors across Kano, Bauchi, Gombe,Lagos, Delta, Anambra and Imo States.

Anmouncing the development, Kano State Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Usaini Gumel said that a total of nine suspects have been arrested while adding that seven stolen minors have equally been rescued by his men

According to him, the arrest followed diligent investigation by his officers who identified the syndicate which had been hibernating in these states in the past 10 years.

Giving a breakdown of the operation, Gumel explained that on 15th December, his officers intercepted one Comfort Amos of Tudun Wada Quarters while transiting to Lagos State with a 5 year old child of Zango Quarters in Bauchi State

According to him, preliminary investigation led to the arrest of four other suspects namely Chika Ezegbu, Joy Nzelu, Clement Ali of Badawa Quarters and Emeka Ekedigwe for being part of the syndicate.

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He explained that two more syndicate members namely Ruth Yerima of Zango Quarters in Bauchi and Abner Samuel of Yelwa Quarters in Bauchi were equally arrested by the police

Others who were arrested in connection with the crime included Nnedima Obi from Lagos State and Ebere Eriobuna from Nnewi, Anambra State.

The Commissioner disclosed that the police would collaborate with the state government to ensure that all the abducted children were returned to their original families .

He pledged that the police would work to ensure the safety and well being of the residents of the state.

Speaking to the press, a suspect, Joy Nzelu denied knowledge that the minor she was about to abduct was stolen from his parents. She explained that she was a mother of five children and was only assisting her senior ageing sister who had no child of her own to abduct a child that would be with her in her old age.

She swore that they were misled by one Ruth ( the supplier) from Bauchi State who had assured them that the minor they were to abduct was from an orphanage and the entire process was legal.

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