From Jude Chinedu, Enugu

The Police Command in Enugu State has refuted alleged arrest of 57 pro-Biafra members, which is being circulated by a social media platform.

Enugu State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), ASP Daniel Ndukwe, debunked the social media falsehood in a statement yesterday in Enugu.

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He said: “The attention of the command has been drawn to a publication alleging that Police reportedly arrest 57 Biafra Zionists members in Enugu.There was no such arrest. Rather, 54 persons were seen to be unlawfully gathered at Owerri Road within the Ogui axis of Enugu metropolis and were brought to  the state police headquarters, Enugu, for questioning, yesterday morning.

“After nothing incriminating was found on them, the state  Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mohammed Aliyu, addressed and cautioned them to go home and maintain peace. They all left happily, please,’’ the police spokesman said.

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