From Timothy Olanrewaju, Maiduguri

The Borno State Police Command has arrested 25 suspects for alleged drug dealings and illicit drug abuse in various parts of the state. The arrests were made during raids and searches conducted in Maiduguri, the state capital.

Police spokesman, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Nahum Daso, disclosed at a press briefing on Thursday that the suspects were apprehended with various illicit substances, including:

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  • Codeine syrup
  • Stimulant solution
  • Tramadol
  • Wraps of dried leaves suspected to be Indian hemp
  • Pieces of D5 tablets
  • Pieces of EXOL tablets

Additionally, two individuals were arrested for attempting to bribe police officers with N400,000 to cover up their illegal activities.

The Divisional Police Officer rejected the bribe and apprehended the suspects, who were subsequently transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department for further investigation.

ASP Daso assured the public that the command remains committed to combating crime and drug abuse through proactive measures.

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