Gyang Bere, Jos
Plateau Youths under the umbrella of Youth for Productive Change (YPC), have applauded Plateau State Governor and Chairman of Northern Governor’s Forum (NGF), Barr. Simon Lalong for strengthening peace and security in the state through the creation of Plateau Peace Building Agency.
In a press statement issued on Friday and signed by the Chairman, Sir Stephen Bitrus Pwol, they expressed confidence in the leadership style of Lalong and said his quest for peace will end the decades of violence in the state.
“The Youth for productive change, wish to identify with  the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Rt. Hon. Simon Lalong on his quest to provide sustained security in the state for the enthronement of lasting  peace. We have the confidence that the establishment of Plateau Peace Building Agency will bring to an end decades of violence in the state.
“As a group of productive minded youths who seek to change the narratives and scheme of things in the state, we will remained solid behind you in the pursue of peace, unity and security of Plateau people.
“We are compelled by your sincerity in the governance of the state to appreciate your good focus in the delivery of good governance and we wish to encourage you to do more in the restoration of the lost glory of Plateau.
Pwol said the developmental strides recorded by the Lalong’s administration in the last four years, particularly the revamping of the State’s economy and restoration of peace and security of lives was what endeared Plateau people to Lalong during the 2019 Election.
“Your administration has worked to bringing to an end the security challenges you inherited from the past administrations. You have taken proactive measures to return IDPs to their ancestral homes, some have been resettled, we are aware of the effort to resettle others, we are ready to partner with your administration in this regard to provide peaceful atmosphere for business to flourish.
Pwol commended Lalong for the reinstatement of over 4,000 Primary school teachers who were sacked by the previous administration and for completion of abandoned projects in the state since 1979.
He encouraged Lalong to continue with the good work he has started throughout his second tenure despite the challenges he is passing through.
“Your actions have proven to us that you are indeed a leader  worthy of emulation. Your determination to run an all inclusive government since you came  on board in 2015 has also strengthened unity and peaceful coexistence  in the state.
Pwol appealed to Lalong to identify talented and trust worthy youths who will not betray the conscious of the state and the rescue APC administration in the state and appoint them to serve in the second phase of his administration.
“The appointments of youths into critical position in the past attest to your love and mentorship of the younger generation. We solicit for the appointment of more vibrant youths into the second phase of your administration for effective performance and mentorship.”

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