From Okey Sampson, Umuahia

The national working committee (NWC) of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has affirmed Okey Igwe as the party’s deputy governorship candidate for the March 11 polls.

Igwe was the running mate to the former Governorship candidate of the party in the state, Prof Uche Ikonne who died on January 25.

When fresh primary was held and Okey Ahiwe emerged as replacement, the state working Committee of PDP swapped the name of Igwe with that of Jasper Uche.

However, in a recent letter to the National Independent Electorial Commission (INEC), which was sighted by Daily Sun, PDP NWC said it mistakingly sent the name of Uche to the Electorial umpire, saying her correct deputy Governorship candidate is Igwe.

The letter read in part, “Recall that in July, 2022, the Party forwarded the name of Igwe Philip Okey as its Abia State Deputy Governorship candidate for the forthcoming general election. 

“Following the death of Prof. Uche Ikonne, the Party conducted a fresh primary election wherein Ahiwe Okechukwu Ambrose emerged the winner. 

“However, in submiting the name of Ahiwe Okechukwu Ambrose to the Commission as its Abia State Governorship candidate, the Party mistakenly and inadvertently submitted the name of Uche Chidiebube Jasper as its Deputy Govermorsh:¢ Candidate. 

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“By this letter, the Party hereby affirms that Igwe Philip Okey remains the Perty’s Deputy Governorship Candidate for Abia State in the forthcoming election. The name of Uche Chidiebube Jasper mistakenly forwarded to the Party on the 10th of February, 2023 should be disregarded.

“Please note that the particulars of Igwe Philip Okey earlier submitted to the Commission remain valid and should be acted upon by the Commission”. 

Speaking on the development, state vice chairman of the party, Abia North and acting Publicity Secretary, Amah Abraham said the SWC was aware of the letter and would abide by the decision of the national body of PDP on the matter.

On the just concluded presidential and national assembly polls, Abraham said Abia PDP was not happy with the double standards applied by INEC in the conduct of the 2023 elections in Abia state which they said disenfranchised many people.

“The inability of INEC to stick to extant rules and provisions of the New Electoral Act as it concerns senatorial districts in Abia State also calls to question the overall national elections which have been described by many as a charade only fit for the playbook of toddlers in the kindergarten. 

“In the past few days within the start of the election, the INEC has engaged in a double speak that leaves many wondering about their capacity and indeed intentions regarding the conduct of elections in Abia”.

Abraham cautioned a chieftain of the party in the state, Ncheta Omerekpe against his unguided utterances against the party and its Governorship candidate and urged Abians to ignore him.

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