By Pat Onukwuli

A profound sense of loss hangs in the quiet and unassuming suburb of Ede Oballa in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. This serene community, known for its close-knit neighbourhoods and relaxed pace of life, is preparing to bid farewell to one of its brightest sons. Patty Agbachi, the renowned speechwriter and strategic mind, passed away on April 16, 2024, at 73.

Patty was known for his unparalleled ability to craft compelling narratives and articulate leaders’ visions. This voice behind the voice was more than a renowned wordsmith; he was his political party’s intellectual and emotional compass, a mentor to many, and a beacon of unwavering integrity. Like Ta-Nehisi Coates, the acclaimed American essayist and human rights activist, he was a passionate crusader for social justice. His steadfast commitment to advocating for the oppressed and fighting against inequities demonstrated his disposition and motivation.

His journey from the tranquil lanes of the peaceful and sleepy suburbia of Ede Oballa to the grand stages of national and international acclaim is a story that inspires and instructs; his life and legacy shone brightly, reminding us of the intense impact one individual can have on the world. As the preparations for his burial proceed, it is not just a moment for reflection but a time for all to come together, united in grief and gratitude.

Patty’s life was a tapestry woven with brilliance, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Born on February 6, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Egwu Agbachi of blessed memory, he was the eldest of eight children. As the firstborn, he did more than fulfil the role of an elder sibling; he set a precedent that inspired his siblings and extended to the broader community. His actions, from the dusty playgrounds of his childhood to the corridors of power, carried the lessons learned from his roots, leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to have met him.

His academic journey, characterised by his time at St. Joseph’s Primary School, Nsukka, and St. Patrick’s College, Obollo Eke, laid the foundation for his lifelong thirst for knowledge. But Patty’s true character shone during the Nigerian Civil War, a time of immense hardship and suffering. Despite the challenges, he continued to pursue higher education, demonstrating a steadfast belief in the power of learning to drive change. His role as a Relief Officer during the war showcased his compassion and dedication to humanitarian efforts, further shaping his leadership capabilities.

Following the war, his brief tenure at the Nsukka Local Government Council and subsequent role at Omni Data Nigeria Limited allowed him to gain valuable insights into public administration and the private sector. These experiences equipped him with a diverse skill set that would prove invaluable in his political career. His work in these roles reflected his commitment to innovation, efficiency, and community service.

His political journey began in earnest in 1979 when he joined the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) during the Second Republic as the Local Organising Secretary. His leadership and organisational skills quickly became evident, earning him respect and influence within the party. His ability to connect with people and advocate for their needs was a testament to his deep understanding of grassroots organisation and community engagement. However, his big break would come in 1992 when he emerged as the private secretary to Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo, the first elected Governor of the newly created Enugu State.

This role marked a significant milestone in his career, allowing him to work closely with prominent political leaders and gain firsthand experience in high-level governance in state affairs. His diligent work ethic, strategic acumen and unwavering dedication to the Governor’s agenda characterised his tenure as private secretary. Patty’s close professional relationship with Dr Nwodo continued to flourish. In 2010, he was appointed the Senior Special Assistant to Dr Nwodo, the National Chairman of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP), which placed him at the heart of the national political landscape.

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In this pivotal role, his influence extended far beyond his title as his keen insights, strategic thinking, and unwavering dedication played a crucial part in guiding the party’s decisions and actions. Indeed, he operated as the unseen engine running the national party, shaping its policy direction and ensuring its smooth operation behind the scenes. While his position may have been out of the spotlight, Patty’s impact was profound and far-reaching. He worked tirelessly to coordinate the party’s activities, streamline operations, and foster unity among its members. His dedication to the PDP’s mission was unwavering, and his contributions were instrumental in shaping Nigerian politics during his tenure.

However, his greatest assets were his mastery of words and concise writing, which set him apart from his peers. His innate ability to distil complex ideas into concise, powerful statements earned him the trust and admiration of those he worked with. His writing played a crucial role in shaping policy, crafting speeches, and conveying key messages to various stakeholders. His words were impactful and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on all who heard or read them.

Next to his formidable writing skills, Patty’s uncommon empathy stood as a defining trait, distinguishing him as a champion for the voiceless. Utilising his unparalleled ability with words, he waged a tireless crusade for those marginalised and unheard, earning him the well-deserved title of the “one-person petition industry for justice.” His empathy was the driving force behind his pen throughout his career. He understood the struggles and injustices faced by society’s vulnerable, and he wielded his writing as a powerful tool to advocate for their rights and demand accountability from those in positions of power.

Through poignant op-eds, passionate letters, petitions and stirring speeches, he gave voice to the voiceless, spotlighting issues that too often remained hidden in the shadows. His words were not just eloquent prose; they were instruments of change, inspiring action and rallying support for causes that mattered most.

In his relentless pursuit of justice, his empathy knew no bounds. He listened intently to the stories of those he sought to champion, allowing their experiences to inform his writing and fuel his determination. He was not content to observe injustices from afar; he actively engaged with communities, forging meaningful connections and building bridges of solidarity.

As the “one-person petition industry for justice,” Patty’s impact was felt far and wide. His writings resonated with people from all walks of life, sparking conversations, challenging norms, and igniting movements for change. He was a beacon of hope for the oppressed, a steadfast ally for the marginalised, and a relentless advocate for a more just and equitable society.

As we reflect on Patty’s legacy, let us remember his uncommon empathy, his advocacy’s profound impact, and the importance of using one’s talents for the greater good. May his example inspire us to use our voices to speak out against injustice, to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, and to strive for a world where empathy and compassion reign supreme. In honouring his memory, let us commit ourselves to carry forward his legacy of empathy, activism, and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of justice.

• Onukwuli PhD, writes from Bolton, UK; [email protected]

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