By Oluseye Ojo, Ibadan

The pan-Yoruba socio-cultural and political organisation, Afenifere, has debunked rumours of the demise of their frontline leader, Chief Ayo Adebanjo.

The organisation’s National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Jare Ajayi, issued a statement on Sunday that vehemently dismissed the false reports that had circulated widely on social media.

Afenifere recalled that late on Saturday evening, an unfounded rumour surfaced on social media, announcing the purported passing away of one of the most committed Awoists and a veritable patriot, Chief Ayo Adebanjo.

“By Sunday morning, the rumour had grown wings, thus raising serious concerns among members of Afenifere and followers of the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo among others.

“We are hereby categorically stating that Pa Ayo Adebanjo is still very much with us – to the glory of the Almighty God.” Ajayi declared.

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He added that members of Afenifere are trusting in the Lord that “our Leaders would still be around with us for long so that they can provide proper direction.”

Pa Adebanjo was 96 years old in April this year, 2024 – following in the footsteps of The Leader, Chief Reuben Fasoranti, who clocked 98 on May 11 this same year 2024.

There was the insinuation that the source of Pa Adebanjo’s purported death might be the passing away of a former Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, Professor Ayo Banjo.

“As can be seen, the two men not only shared their first names, Ayo, but their second names are also similar. One is Adebanjo while the other is Banjo. Incidentally, both of them are of Ijebu extraction.” Ajayi explained, adding that it was the former Prof Banjo, who joined the ancestors on Friday.

Afenifere spokesman then urged members of the public to ignore the news of the purported death of Pa Adebanjo.

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