As the situation in Edo State continues to unfold, one question is now germane: can Adams Oshiohole play Tinubu in the state? Playing Tinubu is a euphemism for a political godfather denying a sitting governor a constitutional right for a second term in office by stopping the governor from getting the ticket of a particular political party where the godfather holds sway.

Tinubu single-handedly imposed Babtunde Raji Fashola as his successor in 2007. He was soon to fall out with Fashola in the latter’s first term. Although the political disagreement was an open secret, it was subdued and muffled to paint a picture of all was at the time. There was a peace of the grave yard between Tinubu and fashola at the time.

Tinubu contemplated and actually made an attempt to deny Fashola a second term ticket of the then Action Congress of Nigeria (CAN), but being a clever politician, he calculated that Fashola who was very popular at the time would have picked the ticket of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and won the election.

The PDP-led Federal Government with President Goodluck Jonathan was watching the Lagos scenario with keen interest to snatch Lagos State from CAN. Tinubu sensed danger looming to snatch his territory and fiefdom. He demurred and recoiled into his shell, and allowed Fashola to fly the second-term ticket of the ACN. In 2019, with his political party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) at the national level, it was very easy for him to get rid of former Governor Akinwunmi Ambode who played stubborn to him  in his first  term.  He denied Ambode the ticket of APC for his second term.

Having laid this background and precedence, it appears that the national chairman of APC, Oshiomhole  wants to toe the same path.  But, can Oshiomhole play Tinubu in Edo State and does he have the moral justification to do so? When  Oshiomhole  became  the  governor  of  Edo State after the  judgement  of Appeal Court which  declared him  as the duly elected  governor of  the  state  in 2008, he made it clear  from the beginning  that  he would never condone or bow  to any godfather  either in Edo State or  elsewhere. He lived through to his word by attacking and chasing away all the political godfathers in Edo State. The likes of Chief Tony Anenih, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, Chief Tom Ikimi, et al, were consistently harassed, intimidated and chased away. All of them bowed to Oshiomhole’s superior firepower and intimidation giving him the absolute control and free hand to rule Edo State for eight years.

Oshiomhole completed his two terms successfully and handed over to the present Governor Godwin Obaseki in 2016. Curiously, the godfatherism which Oshiomhole never condoned from any quarter for one day as governor, he has instituted and imposed on the present governor. What he hated, he wants Governor Obaseki to love. What he never tolerated, he wants his successor to tolerate. Otherwise, what actually is his problem with Governor Obaseki? Can he publicly tell the world how the governor has disrespected and insulted him? After the 2019 general election, the  governor  allowed  him to  nominate  majority of the  members  of the  State  House of  Assembly. Not many sitting governors would grant their predecessors such honour and privilege. He wanted to impose the Speaker of the State House of Assembly, the members rejected the imposition. How was that the fault of the governor? Would he have tolerated such imposition if he was still in power? Most surprising is the man he’s supporting at the moment to fly the ticket of APC, Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu.  What has actually changed in the pastor that Oshiomhole has found him a beautiful bride to marry?

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Pastor Osagie  Ize-Iyamu  was Oshiomhole’s  Chief of Staff and  Secretary to the State government when  he was governor of  Edo State.  Yet, he didn’t find him competent and fit enough to succeed him in 2016. He went all over the state campaigning against Ize-Iyamu, calling him all sorts of unprintable names.  If the allegation of insubordination and disloyalty on the part of  Governor  Obaseki is the major  raison  d’être  for  Oshiomhole’s dogged  struggle and desperation to deny him the ticket of APC and remove him from office as governor, what  assurance does Oshiomhole have that Pastor  Ize-Iyamu   won’t be worse? It was William Shakespeare who said: “There’s no art on the face to know or decipher the mind’s construction.”

If  Bukola  Saraki, as  governor, could  quarrel  with  his late biological  father,  Dr Olusola  Saraki, politically, what  concrete  or ossified  assurance  does Oshiomhole  have that Pastor Ize-Iyamu  would  play zombie  to him? And if Ize-Iyamu  eventually becomes  governor, and  a political quarrel ensues  between both  of them, what defence  and  moral right would  Oshiomhole have  to complain again?

Oshiomhole  is  leveraging  on his  vantage  position as the national  chairman  of  APC , but  President  Muhammadu Buhari  is the  ultimate  leader  of  APC whose goodwill and  influence  brought  APC to the  presidency of Nigeria. The  governors  on the platform  of  APC must  prevail  on the  President  to call  Oshiomhole to order to allow peace to  reign.  President  Buhari himself must  stamp his feet  on the ground and call the  bluff of  Oshiomhole  by  prevailing  on  the latter to accept  the  candidacy  of Governor  Obaseki  on the  platform  of APC.  If the President granted Tinubu that unjustified privilege to chase away Ambode, that injustice must not be repeated in Edo State before it becomes a norm instead of exception. After all the president  doesn’t  need Oshiomhole  again for  any  presidential  election.


• Ifeanyi Maduako wrote from Owerri, Imo State

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