From Noah Ebije, Kaduna

Drums will be rolled out for celebration in few weeks time, precisely on May 29, 2024, as the Kaduna State governor, Uba Sani will be one year in office, even as he has since stepped up religious harmony and peaceful coexistence as well as being sensitive to socio-economic needs of the people of the State by providing succour to the vulnerable, and extending hands of fellowship to political opponents in the State.

Since after the Supreme Court judgement that affirmed his victory, and one year in office, governor Uba Sani’s political dexterity and leadership style remain unparalleled in the State, to the extended that some members of the opposition have decamped to join hands with in the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) in the State.

Interestingly, governor Sani, has built bridges, embracing people and accommodating all tendencies on the political spectrum.

Looking at religious dichotomy between Muslims and Christians in the State, Sani has erected a big tent and Muslim clerics, as well as Christian clergymen, including politicians and non-partisans, the young and the old, are now under one roof.

Unarguably, governor Sani was the first elected governor in the State to attend the annual Christmas Carol organised by the State chapter of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN). The Christian faithful felt extremely belonged in the administration of governor Uba Sani.

Similarly, in his strategic engagement, governor Uba Sani chairs the quarterly Inter-Religious Harmony Committee, where he rubs minds with religious leaders.

He had hosted the Kaduna State Council of Ulama and Imams, at Sir Kashim Ibrahim House, to the breaking of the last Ramadan fast.

In particular, Sheikh Khalifa Sani Zaria, Sheikh Tukur Al Mannar and Imam Kabir Kassim, Chief Imam of Kafanchan, as well as Malam Muhammadu Mai Barota, were at the Iftar.

Also, Christian clergymen like Reverend Joseph Hayab, Kaduna State CAN Chairman, Archbishop Matthew Man-oso Ndagoso, Reverend Bitrus Gajere and Apostle Comfort Kato, were among the 35 pastors who broke fast with the governor during the last Ramadan fasting.

In October last year, he hosted elders and senior citizens, comprising retired Generals and civil servants, accomplished businessmen, seasoned politicians from all parties, as well as elder statesmen of Kaduna State for the purpose of carrying everybody along in his government.

Alhaji Abubakar Mustapha, former Head of Service, and retired General Zamani Lekwot, are co-chairmen of the Kaduna Elders/Senior Citizens Forum, a peace-building advisory body.

Governor Uba Sani has on several occasy reiterated the commitment of his administration to carry everybody along regardless of party or religious affiliation, adding that he will do whatever it takes to unite Kaduna people.

The governor made this known when he attended the Kaduna Unity Carol of nine lessons organized by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Kaduna State Chapter at the ECWA English Service Church, Sabo in Chikun Local Government Area in December last year.

Governor Uba Sani in his address to the multitude of crowd who attended the Carol service, also declared that the era of Muslim and Christian dichotomy in the state was over.

He also declared that the era of constructing roads in some parts of the state and abandoning other area is also going to be a thing of the past, stressing that he will do whatever it takes to unite Kaduna people and ensure that dividends of democracy is felt by all.

“I have honoured this invitation because when I was growing up, my father use to take me to every Christmas Carol and beside as a Governor , I am a Governor for all both the Christians and Muslims.

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“In my oath taking, I promised to be fair and just to all and I will do whatever it takes to uphold it because only fairness and equity can bring about peace and development”.

The governor commended the Christian body for the reception accorded him and solicited prayers for the unity of the state.

Earlier, Kaduna State CAN Chairman, Rev. John Joseph Hayab told the congregation that unlike what was experienced before, Governor Uba has indeed shown that he is Governor of all and will be fair and just to all.

Hayab urged Christians to continue to pray for the success of this government and be obedient to its authority always as instructed by the scriptures.

In recent time, some Nongovernmental Organisation (NGO) have paved way for religious harmony by signing historic agreement to promote religious tolerance in the State

The Search for Common Ground Nigeria (SFCGN), an NGO, has formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kaduna State Peace Commission (KSPC) and the Kaduna State Bureau for Inter-Faith Matters (KSBRM), aiming to foster religious tolerance and advance peace-building efforts in the state.

The signing ceremony took place during the Kaduna Interfaith Dialogue (KID) 2024 event with the theme “Towards Inclusive and Harmonious Communities” held in Kaduna on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

The MoU reflects a shared commitment by the parties to bolster structures for conflict prevention and peace-building, as well as to promote Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB) across Kaduna State.

Dr. Saleh Momale, the Executive Vice Chairman of KSPC, emphasized the significance of the MoU in enhancing collaboration between governmental bodies and SFCGN in Kaduna.

He highlighted its role in facilitating the seamless implementation of SEARCH’s project, Inclusive Religious Engagement in Nigeria Enhanced by Women (I-RENEW).

Dr. Momale stressed the importance of active participation from various stakeholders, including local governments, faith-based organizations, and traditional institutions, to ensure the sustainability and lasting impact of the initiative.

The Director-General of Kaduna State Bureau for Inter-Faith Matters, Barrister Tahir Tahir, highlighted the pivotal role of interreligious dialogue in fostering peace and progress.

Tahir who was represented by the Deputy DG of the Bureau, Rev. Father Anthony Shawiah, urged individuals to transcend personal sentiments and embrace understanding and cooperation for the greater good of the society.

Earlier, in his remarks, the Special Assistant on Peace-building to the Kaduna State Governor, Mr. Atiku Sankey, commended the efforts aimed at promoting peaceful resolution of conflicts and religious harmony in the state. He urged participants to engage in honest and truthful dialogue as ambassadors of peace.

The Country Director of SFCG, Fatima Madaki, emphasized the importance of promoting understanding, cooperation, and coexistence among members of different faith communities. She stressed the need for interventions that cater for the diverse needs of society, particularly vulnerable populations, to ensure sustainability.

The event marked a significant step towards fostering inclusive, tolerant communities in Kaduna, underscoring the collective commitment to peace-building efforts in the region.


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