From Fred Itua, Abuja

In preparation for the forthcoming governorship elections in Ondo State, the quest for a transformative leader capable of propelling the state towards progress and prosperity has gained momentum.

A group, the Ondo Youths Solidarity Movement, has endorsed Engineer Funmi Ayinke Waheed Adekojo, affectionately known as FunmiAyinke, for the governor.

The group urges the All Progressive Peoples Congress (APC), to give Engr Adekojo the ticket because she is a shining light into a brighter future.

“Ondo State, blessed with abundant resources and untapped potential, has long grappled with the issue of unequal development, where the capital city receives more attention than the neglected rural areas. Funmi Ayinke stands out as a leader who genuinely understands the needs of the grassroots and has made their advancement and well-being her top priority,” the group said.

At the youthful age of 40, Funmi Ayinke embodies the energy and visionary mindset that Nigeria seeks in its leaders. As the CEO of Funmi Ayinke Nigeria Limited, a renowned engineering firm specialising in construction, she has demonstrated exceptional business acumen, elevating her company to one of the most successful enterprises in the country. Under her guidance, the firm has undertaken prestigious projects and created numerous employment opportunities for Nigerian citizens.

According to Gbenga Fadairo, the association’s spokesman: “We are collectively agreed on a Funmi Ayinke candidature because, beyond her professional achievements, Funmi Ayinke remains deeply committed to uplifting the less fortunate through her Funmi Ayinke Humanity Foundation (FAHF). The foundation has positively impacted the lives of countless widows, youths, and underprivileged individuals, while her YouTube talent hunt show has played a vital role in empowering numerous startup businesses.”

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“Her investment in the youths is immeasurable and as the matron of the Nigeria Students Union, she has actively promoted dialogue and intellectual discussions as a means to combat violence and unrest,” Fadairo continues.

According to the spokesman, “Funmi Ayinke’s unwavering dedication to social causes is in alignment with her vision for comprehensive development across all regions of Ondo State. Her manifesto revolves around four key areas: social progress, economic and infrastructural development, self-sufficiency, and technology-driven sectors.

“She envisions attracting foreign investments, fostering job creation, improving educational opportunities, ensuring accessible healthcare for all, empowering women, and modernising the agricultural sector to achieve food sufficiency and economic growth.”

“As the elections draw near, we urge the All Progressives Congress (APC) to recognise Funmi Ayinke as the candidate capable of leading Ondo State towards the positive change it urgently needs.”

“The people of Ondo State have wholeheartedly embraced Funmi Ayinke’s transformative leadership and rallied behind her as the ideal candidate for the governorship. Her unwavering commitment to honesty, accountability, and integrity deeply resonates with citizens who believe that she embodies the values their state deserves,” Fadairo pointed out.

He noted further that: “Funmi Ayinke also places great emphasis on family values, as demonstrated by her own life. Her marriage to Professor Waheed Adekojo and their three beautiful children serve as a testament to her dedication to fostering a strong and united society.

Fadairo emphasised why the people are in “dire need” of a leader like Funmi Ayinke: “The citizens of Ondo State stand at a critical crossroads, presented with an opportunity to elect a leader brimming with passion, proven expertise, and a genuine desire to uplift the state. Engineer Funmi Ayinke Waheed Adekojo has emerged as the favoured choice of the people for the governorship, and her promise of progress and prosperity has ignited hope and excitement among the citizens of Ondo State.”

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