From Ighomuaye Lucky, Benin

Osaretin Onaghise has emerged winner of the Labour Party chairmanship primary election for Oredo Local Government Area in the forthcoming Edo State local government elections.

The Local Government Returning Officer, Orobosa Osamabo, while declaring him winner, said Onaghise polled a total of 28 votes to defeat his closest rival, Edosa Eghobamie who scored 18 votes.

He said the election was peaceful noting that the electorate exercised their franchise without any intimidations from any quota.

Speaking shortly after he was announced winner of the election, Osaretin Onaghise, said, the election was the first phase and that contesting against other political parties candidates remains the next hurdle to surmount.

“We do not have any losers. We all that contested, we are all winners.

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“It is an internal thing and I want to enjoin everybody to come on board, sit together and bring ideas.

“And if you check very well from other contestants, they have good manifestos .

“I also want them to bring that to the table, we will sit together as a team and move Oredo forward.

“I want us to sit down as a team and strategize for the main election ahead but I am going to do that with my team.

” Those who were not declared winners today, we are going to sit together and strategize on how to win the main election because that is our goal in Labour Party”, Onaghise said.


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